Sametime Client IDs for Sametime Server 8.5.2.x with Notes 9 and Notes 8.5.3 Embedded Sametime Clients

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 12/24/2013 at 04:00 PM


Domino Upgrades / Installations

Upgrading the Notes 8.5.x clients to Notes.5.3.x and Notes 9.0 and Notes 9.0.1 has created Sametime Login Issues. In looking at the Sametime log file, the error message is that the client type is not allowed.

The list of Sametime clients needs to be extended. Add the following types to the Sametime Server's sametime.ini file.

Notes 9.0.1 w/Sametime 9.0: 1299
Notes 9.0.1 w/Sametime Embedded 8.5.2: 1298
Notes 9.0 w/Sametime 9.0: 1247
Notes 9 w/Sametime Embedded 8.5.2: 1246
Sametime 9 Embedded: 130E
Sametime 9 Mobile Browser: 1443
Sametime 9 Mobile iPhone: 143C
Sametime 9 Android: 143D
Sametime 9 Mobile Embedded iOS: 143E
Sametime 9 Mobile Embedded Android: 143F
Sametime 8.5.2 IFR1 iOS: 143A
Sametime 8.5.2 MIDP: 1437
Sametime 8.5.2 Mobile MS Win Expeditor: 1438

Add the codes above to the list in the line: VPS_ALLOWED_LOGIN_TYPES=

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