Mail File Update to Newest Webmail Template

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp Black

Created: 09/13/2005 at 04:58 PM


Domino Upgrades / Installations
Software (Re)Configuration

Upgrade mail designs to a new mail template/release:

An easy way to upgrade one or more users is via the "convert" utility. Two examples are below. The Admin client's help file has details on all the options.

Note: Stop the router before upgrading (since the inbox will be in flux for each file for a fraction of a second for each one.) Then start the router again after the last mail file finishes.

tell router quit

load convert mail\*.nsf iNotes6 dwa7.ntf
Description: This updates all nsf files in the mail folder that use the iNotes6 template to the dwa7.ntf the Domino 7 Web Access template, but doesn't upgrade folder designs.

load convert -u mail/mailfile.nsf * mail9.ntf
Description: This updates a specific mail file from any version to the Notes / Web 9 mail template. Since the -u flag was added, this will also upgrade all folders to the new inbox design (which I typically do want). Watch using the wildcard if the folder specified includes other types of apps besides mail files or you will turn some other app into a mail file.

load router

You can also issue a load updall w/rebuild options for the view and full-text search indexes.
e.g. load updall -R -F mail/*.nsf

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