ST 7.x / ST 6.51 Awareness Requirements

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 11/06/2007 at 10:53 AM


Domino Upgrades / Installations

Sametime 8.5 / 8.0 / 7 / 6.51 Requirements for Awareness / Chat to Work

1. Copy of each Server doc must be present in the Domino directory (usually the case if same domain). If servers are in multiple Domino Domains, copy the server document from one Directory to the other Directory.

2. Verify both server docs have the "Is this a Sametime server" field answer "Yes".

3. Verify the Ports --> Notes Ports Ports Settings:
Net Address must be completed. Field must contain a FQDN (fully qualified domain name - e.g. not joshua).
IP addresses will work but is heavily not recommended in case DNS changes. Instead use a host entries in the severs hosts files if no DNS name really exists.

4. Directory Authentication protocol must be the same: NRPC or LDAP.

5. If the servers are different versions, watch the security level with pre-6.5.1 servers. (If this is the case you will see a line similar to: "I Server dd/mm/yy, hh:mm:ss Rejecting server - Reported security level=0".) See Technote #1159885 if the case with 3.x ST server.

6. The ST connection doc is NOT needed for awareness. Just meetings. If using for meetings remember that the connection doc is unidirectional not bidirectional. This topic is covered in the ST Administration Guide.

7. Check that ports 1516 and 1533 are both open between all servers needing awareness.

8. Check that DNS resolution is successful. If not edit the /etc/hosts file and add the IP address(es) and name(s).

For ST with LDAP option instead of Domino Directory. Search this support document for that setup part.

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