Changing Password on Person Doc Fails with Missing or Invalid Reset Trust Certificate

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 11/07/2023 at 07:49 PM


Domino Server Issues Troubleshooting

Admin client --> People & Groups (tab) --> Domino Directories (left twistie) --> "Corp" Directory --> Person doc --> Right-click and click Reset Password...

Attempting to reset person password fails with the message:
"Missing or Invalid Reset Trust Certificate".

The most often solution is that the current admin is not in the ID Vault to perform this action.

If CA (Certificate Authority) is not in use:
Admin client --> Configuration (tab) --> Tools (right menu) --> ID Vaults (right menu twistie) --> Manage
--> Choose the option: Add or remove password reset authorities. Click Next.
--> In the upper left area, select the administrator's name to add, and click the Add button in the middle of the dialog. Verify the name is under the correct Organization. Repeat for other folks and organizations which CA is managing. Click Next.
--> Click Configure

If CA (Certificate Authority) is in use:
Admin client --> Configuration (tab) --> Tools (right menu) --> ID Vaults (right menu twistie) --> Password Reset Authority
--> Highlight the desired Organization on the right
--> In the upper left area, select the administrator's name to add, and click the Add button in the middle of the dialog. Verify the name is under the correct Organization. Repeat for other folks and organizations which CA is managing. Click Next
--> Click Configure

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