Quickr Place Migration and Upgrade

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 03/18/2008 at 06:51 PM


Domino Upgrades / Installations

Perform the following steps to move one or more places.
(To do all places, substitute a "-a" for the "-p placename".)

1. Make an archive copy of the place. We'll move the archive to the new server.

load qptool archive -p placename -dir c:\somefolder\somefolder\

2. Copy the files from the archive folder to the production folder on the new Quickr server.
(e.g. from dominodata\QuickPlace\ to dominodata\LotusQuickr.)

3. Unlock the place you copied:

load qptool unlock -p placename

Note: If you get a bogus file cannot be found error, then perform a "compact -b LotusQuickr\placename" on the database and re-unlock.

4. Upgrade the place:

load qptool upgrade -p placename

5. Add the place into the new server's Place Catalog:

load qptool register -p placename -install

6. Once you have tested the places on the new server, remove the places from the older server:

load qptool remove -p placename

7. Compact the new places on the new Quickr server. (to upgrade the ODS.) Also run fixup as needed (to rebuild view indexes).
Note: This will also improve performance of the old Places. Don't skip it.

Other Notes:
If the old server is Domino or LDAP and the new one is the opposite, you are going to have to run the qptool changehierarchy command. Otherwise the Place's access is in the old format which won't match their names and users won't be able to get into their places.

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