Domino Won't Start as Service After FP or IF Update

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 09/27/2016 at 11:56 PM


Domino Upgrades / Installations
Software Upgrade

Domino will not start as a Service by Services management console, nor by command line or the desktop. It will only start as an application.

Solution Possibilities:

A. IP / DNS Issue:
Check for DNS / IP issue. If the workstation name of the server is not the same as DNS and the same as the IBM Domino server's common name, you will have problems. In this case, the server will generally run as both a Service and as an Application, but mail routing will fail each time the server's Router task tries to route an e-mail. Instead of the the e-mail routing and seeing log entries showing it trying and then transferring mail, you see instead three messages saying the server cannot contact itself. (e.g. MyServer/MyOrg)

To fix this issue, either update DNS and the workstation name to the name of the Domino server, or add IP entry(s) to the c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file. myserver

Although you only have to enter the FQDN found on the Server document Basics tab, I would also add the Web Configurations / Internet Sites aliases.

B. IP / DNS Issue 2 with IP6:
In one case, we could not start the server as a service with IP6 installed. To fix that we, turned off IP6 support for the network connection.
We also updated the host entries as a just-in-case measure.

C. Controller Issue:
If you can start it as a service by not starting with the Java Controller (e.g. by removing the -jc -c nservice options), then you can fix it via one of the following:

If you see this message when starting the IBM service:
"The IBM Domino Server (DDominoData) service on Local Computer started and then stopped..."
you see this message when starting the Domino console from the desktop:
"Either the Server Controller is not running on the host MyServer/MyOrg or is not listening on port 2050"

You should also have an error message in the d:\ibm\domino\data\dcntrlrdcntrlr<datetime>.out file similar to:
createServerSocket=Unrecognized Windows Sockets error: 0: JVM_Bind
Unable to open listener socket: Unrecognized Windows Sockets error: 0: JVM_Bind Unrecognized Windows Sockets error: 0: JVM_Bind
Domino Server Controller exiting: Listener startup timed out. Please check if another Server Controller instance is running in the same data directory.

In this case, you have an issue where the Controller cannot bind to port 2050. This is typically either something else already running on 2050 (not likely), or the IP address, or FQDN in the server document doesn't resolve to this server.

To fix this, update the Domino notes.ini and the hosts files.
- Update the d:\IBM\Domino\notes.ini file, add or update/fix the following lines:

- Update the host entry as above:
c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file. myserver

- Check the firewall. If it is running, then add a rule to exclude Domino ports (2050, 1352, 80, 443, 25, etc.)
Administrative Tools --> Windows Firewall --> Windows Firewall with Advanced Security --> Inbound Rules.

D. Service Won't Start. Cannot start w/Controller by command line, and Domino console won't even launch from desktop:
In this case,
- nothing happens if you try to start the nservice by command line or the Domino Console from the desktop
- starting the service gives you an error stating that the Domino service could not be started: incorrect function.

If you look at the Event viewer, it will show the error and reiterate the incorrect function.

In this case, for us the JVM is out of sync. We should have seen an error message at the end of the fix pack upgrade/patching saying that the JVM was not upgraded. Please, see UPGRADE.log and jvmpatcher.log for details. However, we didn't get that message this time.

Regardless, the fix is the same. Kill the jvm folder. Install Domino 9.0.1 and the latest Fix Pack back over top of the current install. Make sure you have the paths the same for the Domino 9.0.1 install.
- Delete d:\IBM\Domino\jvm
- Install Domino 9.0.1 over top of the current release. (Don't start the server afterwards.)
- Install the latest Fix Pack again over top of the 9.0.1 install just performed.
- Reboot
- Confirm the service started with boot.

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