Steps to Verify BES When Changing the Service Account AD Password

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 12/09/2008 at 02:42 PM


Domino Upgrades / Installations

Changing the Service Account Password

Part 1: Disabling Services
1. Log on to Blackberry Server and stop the BlackBerry and Mobile Data Server using the Blackberry Server Manager.
2. Go to the Services Control Panel, and disable all the following BlackBerry Enterprise Related Services:
- BlackBerry Attachment Service
- BESAlert
- BlackBerry Database Consistency Service
- BlackBerry Mobile Data Server
- BlackBerry Server
3. Log off of the Blackberry server.

Part II: Changing the BES Admin Password
1. Log on to a Domain Controller closest to the BlackBerry server environment. (It should be the one that BlackBerry server is using.
2. Go to User Manager and find the BlackBerry Administrative Service Account user account.
3. Change the Service Account user account password.
4. Once the password has been changed, replicate the change to any other AD Domain Controllers.

Part III: Testing & Re-Configuring the Blackberry Services
1. Log on to the BlackBerry server and locate the Blackberry related services in the first step of 'Changing the Service Account Password'
2. Locate the 'BESAlert' and the 'BlackBerry Attachment Service' service and go to properties for each service.
- On the General Tab set the Startup Type to Automatic and click apply.
- On the General Tab click 'Start' and click 'OK' to close the properties window.
3. Select the 'BlackBerry Database Consistency Service' service.
- On the General Tab set the Startup Type to Manual and click apply.
- On the Log On Tab; under the This Account radio button, type in the new account password you just created in the previous section, and type in the password a second time to confirm.
- Click 'OK' to set the password.
- On the General Tab click 'Start'.
If the service does not start, verify the password was typed in correctly and try again. Also, it is possible that replication is not yet completed. In the event of this happening, please wait for five or so minutes and try again. If you are uncertain that the password is working, log into another machine with the Blackberry Service account to verify that the password is correct.
- Once you have verified that the service has started, stop the 'BlackBerry Database Consistency Service'.
4. Locate the 'BlackBerry Mobile Data Server' and the BlackBerry Server service and go to properties for each service.
- On the General Tab set the Startup Type to Automatic and click apply.
- On the Log On Tab; under the This Account ratio button, type in the new account password again, and type in the password a second time to confirm.
- Click 'OK' to set the password.
- On the General Tab click 'Start'.
5. Verify that Blackberry Services are functional.

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