Upgrading to ODS 55:0 for HCL Domino 12.0.x

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 04/07/2023 at 06:00 PM


Domino Upgrades / Installations
Software (Re)Configuration

After upgrading HCL Domino 11.0.x to HCL Domino 12.0.1 / HCL Domino 12.0.2, there is a new ODS that gives new features/functionality to Domino, which requires upgrading application's on-disk format to the newest ODS.
The previous ODS introduced in HCL Domino 10, is ODS 53:0. In HCL Domino 12, the new ODS is 55:0.

The ODS of "regular" apps can be done any time via compact executed in the Domino Administrator client. However, updating the always-in-use "system" apps requires us to to take down the Domino service and run the ODS upgrade from the terminal.

1. Shutdown the Domino service
$ sudo systemctl stop domino.service

2. Update the Notes.ini to and replace the Create_R10_Databases=1 with Create_R12_Databases=1:
If not already the notes user, switch to the notes user:
$ sudo su notes
<enter password>

Update the notes.ini:
$ cd/local/notesdata/
$ vi notes.ini
Add/replace the following line:
( Remove any old Create_R9_Database=1 / Create_R10_Database=1 entries if found in the notes.ini file. )

3. Update the ODS to the newest version using a compact copy:
$ /opt/hcl/domino/bin/compact -c /local/notesdata/names.nsf
$ /opt/hcl/domino/bin/compact -c /local/notesdata/admin4.nsf
$ /opt/hcl/domino/bin/compact -c /local/notesdata/certlog.nsf
$ /opt/hcl/domino/bin/compact -c /local/notesdata/log.nsf
$ /opt/hcl/domino/bin/compact -c /local/notesdata/statrep.nsf
$ /opt/hcl/domino/bin/compact -c /local/notesdata/mail.box
$ /opt/hcl/domino/bin/compact -c /local/notesdata/mtdata/mtstore.nsf

MS Windows Differences/Notes:
- If updating a HCL Domino server on MS Windows, edit the notes.ini using Notepad.
- The notes.ini is not in the data folder, but in the program folder instead. In MS Windows, the extensions are hidden, so you are looking for the file, notes ... Configuration Settings.
- If the notes.ini has never been edited before, MS Windows will let you edit it, but you won't be likely able to save it. So if in doubt, right-click the file, choose Edit --> Permissions --> Security, and add yourself. The exact syntax changes with each OS flavor.
- The programs on MS Windows have a "N" in-front of them. So for compact, with the programs installed on the "d:" drive and the data folder on the "f" drive, an equivalent command might be:
> f:
> cd \Lotus\Domino\Data
> f:\lotus\domino\ncompact -c names.nsf

4. Restart the Domino service:
$ sudo systemctl start domino.service

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