Verse 3 Missing Design Notes Error Causing Mail Window to Fail Loading in Verse

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 08/26/2023 at 08:58 PM


Domino Server Issues Troubleshooting

HCL Verse "on-prem" web mail is not working. The framework loads, but the mail window displays a yellow box and a message saying mail could not be displayed.

The Domino server console shows errors loading design notes in the mail file. (This is strange because Verse loads jars not mail design notes directly.)
[083212:000016-00003E9451AFB640] 08/26/2023 06:47:21 PM HTTP Web Server: Couldn't find design note - verse/archiveInfo [/mail/mailfile.nsf/verse/archiveInfo?dum&xhr=1&sq=1] CN=First Last/O=CompanyName

Reinstall the four HCL Verse jars in the /local/notesdata/domino/workspace/applications/eclipse/plugins/ folder.

Search for Verse 3 or Verse 3.1 in the MW Support Reference app for full instructions.

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