Domino 12.0 to HCL Domino 12.0.1 Upgrade on CentOS 8

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 08/23/2022 at 06:55 PM


Domino Upgrades / Installations
Software Upgrade

HCL Domino 12 to Domino 12.0.1

Important Notes:
- We started this installation from an existing Domino 12.0 server running on Cent OS 8
- The instructions assume you are running the Nashed systemctl script.
- If you notice any errors, just us know using the Contact link at the top menu of this site.
- Note, if you installed an Interim Fix (IF), then you should run its install again to remove before installing a Fix pack. (Fix packs don't need to be uninstalled.)

HCL Domino 12.0 Upgrade
to HCL Domino 12.0.1


CentOS 8 Yum Updates

Note: We performed OS updates when we do Domino patching. Obviously, two things are changing with this technique, but it also means we have longer time between Domino interruptions.

$ sudo yum update
<wait for the updates to be installed>

When the updates do not include a kernel update, we don't typically do an OS restart.
$ sudo reboot
<log back in as your administrative user>

Sanity check to confirm Domino services are running normally.
- Access via Notes
- Access via Web
- Confirm mail is routing

Domino Installation:
Note; If the install properly detected that the server had no X11, it will be continued in console (terminal) mode.

1. Copy the installation file to the Domino server:
- Domino_12.0.1_Linux_English.tar
( In our case we used FileZilla to copy the file to the /home/myadmin/tmp/dom1101/ folder )

2. Set-up/ do preparations for Upgrade:
SSH Terminal to server.
$ ssh
<enter password>

Expand the archive tar file:
$ cd /home/myadmin/tmp/dom12/
$ tar -xvf Domino_12.0.1_Linux_English.tar
<watched files extract>
$ cd linux64

$ sudo systemctl stop domino.service
< waited the 20 seconds or so for Domino to shut down services. >
$ sudo systemctl status domino.service
< confirmed Domino services not running>

3. Perform the installation as root.
(We had an issue way back with sudo ./install not being "good enough". Therefore, we done a user switch for installs since.)
$ sudo su
# ./install
<go through the prompts>
- <Enter> to continue with default language (3 - English) at Choose Locale
- <Enter> to continue at the Introduction page
- "0" to skip to end of HCL Master License Agreement (assuming you've already read it, of course)
- "Y" to agree
- <Enter> to continue
- <Enter> for NO (Data Directories Only Partitioned Domino Server
- <Enter> to continue
- <Enter> for default program folder: /opt/hcl/domino
- <Enter> to continue
- <Enter> to NO (partitioned server)
- <Enter> to continue
- <Enter> for default data folder: /local/notesdata (Data Files Directory Name)
- User Name: notes
- Group Name: notes
- <Enter> to continue
- <Enter> for No to create softlink no longer required.
- <Enter> to continue
- <Enter> for default: Manual
- <Enter> to continue
- <Enter> for default: Domino Enterprise Server
- <Enter> to continue
- <Enter> to continue after reviewing all questions answered
< wait for the install >
- <Enter> to exit the installer

- Console mode is the only option on Linux, which, for most of us Linux Domino admins, is just fine since the install is so straightforward.
- The steps/questions are the similar to previous fixpacks. But the navigation is a bit different as the new installation program is InstallAnywhere. So you click <enter> instead of <tab> to accept a setting, and you have to use "0" to get to the end of the license fine print page.
- Since my server has been upgraded over the years, the executable path still shows an IBM based one. Update if yours if different. We also use /local/notesdata for our data path. Also, our Domino server user id is notes. Yours might be different.
- If this is the primary server, always choose the Manual options, so that you can boot the server manually for the accept the new directory changes question.

4. Start the server manually. (This assumes that you are upgrading, where a and notes.ini have already been provisioned. If this is a new install, then start the server in listen mode, instead. )
$ su notes
$ cd /local/notedata/
$ /opt/ibm/domino/bin/server
< wait for boot. Answer "Yes" if this Domino instance is the Directory server, wait for server to "settle" for several minutes. >

Shutdown the Domino service.
> q

5. Exit being the notes user, and start the server normally.
$ exit

Once installed, enable and start the new Domino service
$ sudo systemctl enable domino.service
$ sudo systemctl start domino.service


CentOS OS Notes:
CentOS 8:
CentOS eight is basically dead. If you haven't done so, switch yum to use the vault location. Some of us have switched to Rocky Linux. Mindwatering runs it's "ancillary" Domino servers on Ubuntu.
Warning, unless Domino is running on a container on Ubuntu, Ubuntu is not a certified OS platform and you use at your own support risk. Also, HCL Domino 12.0.1 has not been tested with the new kernel 5 of Ubuntu 22.04. We have tested Domino 12.0.1 on Ubuntu 22.04. and it has been stable for us to date.

Other Misc Options:
After an OS update, we verify that Postfix was not re-enabled. Verify that postfix is not running or enabled. If so, disable it.
# systemctl status postfix
< received active status. If disabled, nothing else needed, otherwise ... >
# systemctl stop postfix
# systemctl disable postfix

Check Firewall Ports:
CentOS 7 uses FirewallD.
If you are not using the Domino Java Controller, leave off 2050. There are other ports verify for IMAP mail access, or to add if you are running multiple SameTime Domino servers (e.g. 1516, 9092, 9094, 8082).
Confirm loaded and running:
# firewall-cmd --state

Example commands are below.
# firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=1352/tcp --permanent
# firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=80/tcp --permanent
# firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=443/tcp --permanent
# firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=2050/tcp --permanent
in this example we restrict SSH and e-mail to internal networks only ...
# firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-rich-rule="rule family="ipv4" source address="" port protocol="tcp" port="22" accept"
# firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-rich-rule="rule family="ipv4" source address="" port protocol="tcp" port="25" accept"
# firewall-cmd --reload

Confirm loaded and running:
# firewall-cmd --state

Install Domino Start-up Scripts:
For the Nashed start-up script, follow the instructions that come with the start-up script.
For the domino.service file in /etc/systemd/system, update lines 7, 10, and 11 for your paths.
For the rc_domino_script in /opt/ibm/domino or /opt/nashcom/, update lines 42 and 65 for the server OS ID and paths.
For the rc_domino in /etc/init.d/, update lines 31, 35, and 43, for your server OS ID and paths.
For the rc_domino.script_notes file to /etc/domino/, updates similar lines as rc_domino.script.
Update all the file permissions to 755.
$ sudo systemctl enable domino.service

Note: This server is an upgrade, not a new install. We are re-using the /local/notesdata, and we chose to keep the existing /opt/ibm/domino path. Our existing start-up script is already in/opt/ibm/domino If this is a new install, the script path will be /opt/nashed/, as Daniel Nashed now has his scripts set to be in a separate /opt/nashcom/ folder.

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