How to Safely Move a Notes/Domino Server

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 04/24/2001 at 02:01 PM


Domino Upgrades / Installations
Software (Re)Configuration

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2001 7:49 PM
Subject: Incident # 1376414 How to Safely Move a Notes/Domino
Installation from One Windows NT Machine to Another

---------------------- Forwarded by Richard Murphy/CAM/Lotus on 04/23/2001
06:54 PM ---------------------------
| Lotus SIMS | | |
| Support | Technote | Information is |
| Information | | worthless |
| Management | | unless it's |
| System | | shared. |

NOTE: Before attempting any of the following, be sure you have a
complete backup of the Domino server. Refer to the migration guide
for information on backing up a Domino server.


1. Following the information in the migration guide, make a complete backup
of the Domino server.

2. Take the OLD NT Server and rename it. The NEW NT Server should be
renamed with the old OLD NT Server name. ( OLD NT = A , Rename OLD NT
= Z, NEW NT = A)

3. Power up the NEW NT Server in place of the OLD NT Server. Copy the
entire Notes directory, and any directories that may be referenced by
database/directory links to the local server from the location on the
network where it had been copied to in step 1. Also copy the NOTES.INI
file and all ID files into the Notes directory on the NEW NT machine.

Edit the NOTES.INI and make changes to the path statements, where
necessary, to reflect the new drive letter where Notes now resides (if
that has in fact changed). You may also need to modify any
database/directory links where required.

4. Obtain your installation CD (the version of Notes/Domino on the CD
should be the same as what is installed). When performing a move such
as this you do not want to upgrade the server in the process. Proceed
to run the install. When it prompts for the directory location to
install to, modify the location to match the current drive and directory
where Notes resides. Select the desired installation options and
complete the installation. The install will copy down the program files
and make any changes to the current installation that you may have
selected in the Install Options.

During the install, it will also make necessary changes to the NT
Registry and create a program group and install QNC debugger as the
default debugger for the entire NT machine.

5. Launch the Notes/Domino Server after the install and it will come up as
it did on the OLD NT Server.

6. Keep the name the same as the old server

7. Synchronize with the DNS server

The migration is now complete.

Gotcha Items:
Make sure you have a backup done before you start, just in case.
R5 limitations to moving
- Admin sync (creating Notes Users creates NT Accounts) doesn't work.
IP Change Gotchas
- Change IP requires DNS change.
- If IP has been added to the server document as an alias it must be changed within the server document as well.
Original machine should be offline (not connected to same network) or renamed before switchout to new server. Although, the new server can be brought up in an isolated network while the original server is still doing business. Just have to restore a later backup set.
Domino.Doc should not matter as to Domino.Doc, the server is the same server as when it went down.

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