How to Setup a Monitor when Applications/Databases are Created, Deleted, or their ACLs Changed

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 01/09/2010 at 10:26 PM


Domino Upgrades / Installations
Software (Re)Configuration

You want to know when a database is created, deleted, or when a database ACL is changed/updated.


1. Start the Domino Administrator client.
2. Switch to the Configuration tab. Open the twisties for Monitoring Configuration and Event Generators. Choose Database.

ACL Monitor:
1. Check for an existing monitor for Database ACL changes. By default it already exists but only watches for changes in your Domino Directory / names.nsf. If it is there you will see a generator for names.nsf under File.
2a1. If the event already exists, Edit the document and change the File Name field to just *.
Note: In 09/2008, *.nsf won't work even though the documentation says it does. Search this support database for a SPR and check if is fixed in the current version of Domino.


2a2. If the event doesn't exist. click the New Database Event Generator button in the view to create a new event generator document. Complete as follows:
File name: *
Server(s): All in the domain
What to Monitor: Moniter ACL Changes
Switch to the Other tab. Set the event severity to desired level, e.g. Warning (high).
Save the new document, with File --> Save or <Cntl> + S. Leave it open.

2b. What you created is a generator which makes something that happens an important event. You now need an Event Handler. A handler is your decision about what to do with a generated event. Usually I'm asked to either send an e-mail or log to the system log. However, you can do MANY things with a handler.

3. Check for an existing handler.
If you just created a new event generator document, then you will need to create a new handler for this new event. However, if a generator was already there, another system administrator may have already done this. Check the Event Handlers --> All view to see if you have a handler already. By default, there is one handler that says do log to statrep.nsf all events with severity of warning high or higher. So one does exist, but you probably want more than it to just be logged. So lets create one. . .

4. Switch back to the new generator document, which should still displaying its Other tab.

5. Click the button Create a new event handler for this event button. This starts the Event Handler Wizard.

6a. In the Event Handler Wizard, click the Next button.

6b. Under Event Handler Method, choose what you want to happen. For this example, choose Mail. Click Next.

6c. Under Event Handler Options, click the down arrow icon and select the group or person to receive the e-mail and click Add. Click OK when done. Click Next back in the wizard.

6d. Under Event Handler Schedule, just click Next.

6e. Click Finish to save your new handler and close the new window.

7. In the event generator still open, note its event id (e.g. JOSA-6VT6YQ) and close this document.

8. Switch to the Event Handlers --> All view.

9. Locate the handler you just created using the event id. That's it, you're done.

Alternately, there is also a built-in event when an ACL is created which displays the message on the Domino console. That could have been used instead. See the instructions below for that method.

Application / Database Deleted:
There is already a "Misc. event 0X131C" (built-in event) that triggers (generates) when a database is deleted. We can use it to create a handler.

1. In the Event Handlers --> All view (or any handler view), click the New Event Handler button.
2. Complete as follows:
Basics tab:
Server(s) to monitor: Notify of the event on any server in the domain.
Trigger: A built-in or add-in task event.
Event tab:
Click the Select Event button. Find the event Database <database name> deleted by <name>.
Action tab:
Select Mail (or whatever action you want). Select the group or person to receive the e-mail and click Add. Click OK when done.

3. Click the Save & Close button.

Application / Database Created:
There is already a "Misc. event 0X131B" (built-in event) that triggers (generates) when a database is deleted. We can use it to create a handler.

1. In the Event Handlers --> All view (or any handler view), click the New Event Handler button.
2. Complete as follows:
Basics tab:
Server(s) to monitor: Notify of the event on any server in the domain.
Trigger: A built-in or add-in task event.
Event tab:
Click the Select Event button. Find the event Database <database name> created by <name>.
Action tab:
Select Mail (or whatever action you want). Select the group or person to receive the e-mail and click Add. Click OK when done.

3. Click the Save & Close button.


Other Notes:
There are also built-in events. Some others I've seen or done are:

Database already contains a document with Note ID ...

Database fixup needed.

Database Fixup: Error fixing view ...

Database is Corrup -- Cannot allocate space.

Database is not full text indexed.

Database (.nsf) has grown too large ...

The ACL in database <string> has been changed by <database name>.
(when a database changes a database's ACL)

Unknown @Function.
(useful when you developers have newer Designer client than the server)

You are not authorized to access that database.

You are not authorized to use the server.

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