HCL Domino 12.0.2 FP1 Upgrade on Rocky Linux 9.x Installation

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 11/25/2022 at 08:54 PM


Domino Upgrades / Installations

Rocky Linux 9.x and HCL Domino 12.0.2 FP1 Upgrade from Domino 12.0.1 FP1 Installation

2024/12/14 Router Failure Warning
- All versions of Domino, at least through version 8.5.x, have a long-term bug where, unless you are running routing defaults, the router will likely stop working midnight 2014/12/13. Immediately upgrade to Domino 14.0 FP3 HF9, or Domino 12.0.2 FP5 HF12 (Which is also IF2 - 1202FP5HF12-linux64.tar.) Alternately, if your internal regulations prohibit upgrading from 12.0.1 to 12.0.2, then HCL has also release a HotFix for 12.0.1, as well - 1201FP1HF166-linux64.tar.

Important Notes:
- We started this install from a VM template that already had the RockyOS 9 server OS and prerequisites, except gdb, already installed. So these instructions skip the other prerequisite steps.
- We performed the original Domino installation in console mode. When upgrading, it is not required to uninstall the previous versions, unless there is an IF patch (also called a Hotfix or HF).
(GUI installs are no longer available from HCL, which suits us just fine.)
- If you notice any errors in these instructions, just us know using the Contact link at the top menu of this site.
- Rocky 9 has a version 5 kernel that is not yet tested by HCL. Consider this to be experimental.

Rocky Linux OS installation and OS prerequisite steps are included in this document below.

Domino 12.0.2 and
12.0.2 FP1


Install GDB:
1. Start SSH Terminal to server.
$ ssh myadmin@myserver.mindwatering.com
<enter password>

2. Perform the installation of gdb.
$ sudo dnf install gdb
<enter password>

Domino 12.02 Installation:
Note; If the install properly detected that the server had no X11, it will be continued in console (terminal) mode.

1. Copy the installation files to the Domino server:
- Domino_12.0.2_Linux_English.tar
- Domino_12.0.2FP1_Linux.tar

We used Filezilla. We created a tmp folder in the myadmin home directory, created a subfolder called dom1202 for the primary installation tar file to be transferred and extracted, and dom1202fp1 for the other.
If you are going to do a swing install and keep existing data from an older Domino install, copy the previous notesdata folder contents you wish to keep to the new /local/notesdata. Make sure you do the transfer as the 'notes' user.

2. Start SSH Terminal to server.
$ ssh myadmin@myserver.mindwatering.com
<enter password>

3. Perform the installation.
$ cd /home/myadmin/tmp/dom1202/
$ tar -xvf Domino_12.0.2_Linux_English.tar
<watched files extracted>

Shutdown the domino service and its tasks:
$ sudo systemctl stop domino.service

Now complete the installation:
$ cd linux64
$ sudo ./install
<go through the prompts>
- <Enter> to continue
- "0" to skip to end of HCL Master License Agreement
- "Y" to agree
- <Enter> to continue
- <Enter> for NO (Data Directories Only Partitioned Domino Server
- <Enter> to continue
- <Enter> for default: /opt/hcl/domino
- <Enter> to continue
- <Enter> to NO (partitioned server)
- <Enter> to continue
- <Enter> for default: /local/notesdata (Data Files Directory Name)
- User Name: notes
- Group Name: notes
- <Enter> to continue
- <Enter> for default: Manual
- <Enter> for default: Domino Enterprise Server
- <Enter> to continue
- <Enter> to continue after reviewing all questions answered
< wait for the install >
- <Enter> to exit the installer

- The steps/questions are the same as Domino R11, and R12.0.
- In this case, our install is new, we are taking /opt/hcl/domino. We also use /local/notesdata for our data path. Our Domino server user id is notes.
- If this Domino server is also the "main" Domino server that is the "Administrative Server" in the ACL that manages the Domino Directory, you must start the server manually to answer "Yes". Major releases always have a directory upgrade, the server "hangs" waiting on the answer. So our first boot into 11 will be manually.
- If this is the first Domino server, in the Domino Domain, then you will select "listen" instead of "manual". In step 4 below, use the listen flag: /opt/hcl/domino/bin/server -listen

4. If you wish to start the server before adding Domino 12.0.2 FP1, start the server manually. (This assumes that you are upgrading/migrating, where a server.id and notes.ini have already been provisioned. If this is a new install, then start the server in listen mode, instead. ) There is another Directory upgrade, you will need to answer Y, for "Yes", to upgrade the Domino.
$ su notes
$ cd /local/notesdata/
$ /opt/hcl/domino/bin/server
< wait for boot. If this is the first upgrade to 12.0.2 there is a Directory design update; therefore, answer "Y" to upgrade the design of the names.nsf if this Domino instance is the Directory's administrative server, wait for server to "settle" for several minutes. Look for any new issues. >

- Important -

Shutdown the Domino server.
> q

5. Exit being the notes user.
$ exit

Domino Services Script Installation:
- Important -
1. Install the Nashed scripts if not already done. (see instruction below)

2. Once installed, enable and start the new Domino service
$ sudo systemctl enable domino.service
$ sudo systemctl start domino.service

3. Verify the service start okay:
$ sudo systemctl status domino.service
<read output>

4. Verify that the Domino server is really up-and-running:
Start the Domino Administrator, switch to this server, and watch the console log for a bit

5. Shutdown the Domino service
$ sudo systemctl stop domino.service

Domino 12.0.2 FP1 Installation:

1. Now that HCL Domino 12.01 is running okay, we'll update to FP1. If you haven't already done so, stop the Domino service:
$ sudo systemctl stop domino.service
< wait>

2. Change to the location of the FP1 tar file, and install:
$ cd /home/myadmin/tmp/dom1202FP1/
$ tar -xvf Domino_1202FP2_Linux.tar
<watched files extracted>
$ cd linux64/domino

If the install path is not /opt/hcl/domino, then set the NUI variable like in previous upgrades. This cannot be done with sudo.
# sudo su
<enter password>
# NUI_NOTESDIR=/opt/hcl/domino

$ sudo ./install

Follow the prompts.

Start the server manually, like above, or use the service to do so.
$ sudo systemctl start domino.service


Rocky 9.x Linux
OS Installation
and Prerequisite Steps:

Rocky Linux 9.x OS Install:

Create a new (empty) VM:
- 6.5 GB of memory with 1 Disk of 50 GB, and video memory of 16 MB for the X Windows system
Note: With only the Rocky LInux 9 OS running (w/o X Windows GUI), the system used between 1.25 and 1.75 GB. So we added 4 GB to start for Domino and Sametime.

Attach the VM CDROM to the Rocky Linux iso:

Obviously, you'll want to use the newest ISO for Rocky OS.

Start VM, and perform Installation:
At start page, selected top link: Install Rocky OS

On Welcome page, we took the defaults of English and English US, clicked Continue.

On Installation Summary page,
- kept Date &Time default, as it was correct.
- kept SOFTWARE SELECTION as Minimal Install, as it was correct.
--> Click the Disk icon under Local Standard Disks. (Ours says VMware Virtual disk, sda / 50 GB)
--> Click Done.
--> At the top right, changed the ens192 NIC to On
--> At the bottom, enter the hostname AND domain: myserver.mindwatering.net, click Apply
--> Clicked Configure and set-up for a static/Manual IP
- - - - IP Address:
- - - - Netmask: 24
- - - - Default Route:
- - - - DNS:
- - - - Search Domains: mindwatering.net
- - - - click Save
--> Back in the NETWORK & HOST NAME page, click Done.
With all the warning caution triangles removed/completed, click Begin Installation.

While the installation is going, under USER SETTINGS, click ROOT PASSWORD.
--> Enter the root user password in the Root Password field, enter it again in the Confirm field.
--> You can create the Domino server notes user now, or do it later. To do it now, click USER CREATION.
- - - - Fullname: notes
- - - - User name: notes
- - - - Password: *************
- - - - Confirm password: *************
- - - - (Leave checked the checkbox for Require a password to use this account. Leave unchecked the checkbox for Make this user administrator)
- - - - click Done
- - - > click Finish configuration
When done, click Reboot.

Update the network settings to what's needed for your installation.
For the Installation Destination, we typically have one disk for the OS, we add a second disk for /local/notesdata, and others for anything else needed for the box. (e.g. another one for transaction logs, and one for DAOS).

Perform Domino Prerequisite Tasks:
After install first reboot, login as root, and update the system:
# yum update
< waited >
# yum autoremove

Install Open VMTools if Using VMware VM:
Rocky Linux doesn't install the VMware/OpenVM tools automatically like in Ubuntu. Install the open-vm tools with:
# yum install open-vm-tools
< click y, to the request to install the RPG certificate key to trust the repository >

Start the tools (ours was not running):
# systemctl enable vmtoolsd
# systemctl status vmtoolsd
# systemctl start vmtoolsd

Install OpenSSH Server:
To remotely manage the server, and to transfer files to it, install the OpenSSH server:
# yum install openssh-server
Note: Installation of openssh-server not needed. Already installed.

Security/Limits File Updates:
Edit /etc/security/limits.conf using root and add or modify the lines:
notes soft nofile 65535
notes hard nofile 65535
(Use 65535 for 64 bit Linux for both soft and hard limits, per HCL 2019/12. I've seen others specify 60000 or 80000 here.)

$ vi /etc/selinux/config
Change to SELINUX=disabled and save.
(<esc> :wq <enter>, to save)

Time Server Sync:
(optional) Set up NTP if not using VMware Tools or OpenVM tools to sync time:
$ dnf install chrony
$ ntpdate pool.ntp.org
$ chkconfig ntpd on
Note: Installation of NTP time client not needed. Already installed.

64-bit Packages for Domino and Sametime:
If you didn't install "minimal", and instead installed the "X-Windows" Desktop version of Rocky Linux 9, it appears that almost all the pre-requisite packages for the Domino installation were already installed in Rocky Linux 9. Since HCL is morning towards console only for Linux-based installations, we install the Linux GUI when someone would prefer to have it.

As the Domino install via console mode requires perl, verify it's installed. We chose to confirm by installing rather than to run perl and check its version. In our Rocky Linux OS 9.2.x, it was not installed. We installed perl and its many dependencies with:
# yum install perl

Setup the Domino User Account:
Skip the useradd step if you set up the notes user during the install, but do the DOMINO_LINUX_SET_PARMS and the /local/notesdata steps still.
Create the notes (domino) user. Leave alone the opt/hcl/domino path so it owned/signed by root, but change the ownership of the /local/notesdata folder so that is is owned by the notes server user.
# useradd -d /home/notes -m notes
- or to include a specific UID ID -
# useradd -d /home/notes -m notes -u 1008

Set the password:
# passwd notes
<enter the password twice>

Set up the notes user to use DOMINO_LINUX_SET_PARMS:
# vi /home/notes/.bashrc
Add to the end of the file: export DOMINO_LINUX_SET_PARMS=1
(<esc>:wq <enter>, to save)

Create the installation Domino data notesdata folder. We use /local/notesdata.
(For a new Rocky Linux 9.x install, we had to create the /local folder, in addition to the /local/notesdata folder.)
# cd /
# mkdir local
# cd /local
# mkdir notesdata

Since our VM Rocky Linux template has an empty disk, which will be our notesdata folder, we will take a tangent, and format the disk and add it to fstab.
We will use fdisk and format with mkfs.ext4. (We are including the questions w/the answers in context below.)
# fdisk /dev/sdb
Command (m for help): n
Partition type
p primary (0 primary, 0 extended, 4 free)
e extended (container for logical partitions)
Select (default p): p
Partition number (1-4, default 1): 1
First sector (2048-73400319, default 2048):
Last sector, +sectors or +size{K,M,G,T,P} (2048-73400319, default 73400319):

Created a new partition 1 of type 'Linux' and of size 35 GiB.

Command (m for help): w
The partition table has been altered.
Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table.
Syncing disks.

Format the new partition:
# mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb1

# vi /etc/fstab
fstab line example: /dev/sdb1 /local/notesdata ext4 defaults 1 2
(<esc> & wq <enter>, to save changes)
# mount -a
(Mounts the new disk.)

Update the permissions:
# chown -R notes /local/notesdata/
# chgrp -R notes /local/notesdata/
# chmod -R g+w /local/notesdata/

Open the Domino and Sametime Firewall Ports:
Rocky Linux 9.x uses FirewallD.
If you are not using the Domino Java Controller, leave off 2050. There are other ports to add if you are running multiple SameTime Domino servers (e.g. 1533, 1516, 9092, 9094, 8082).

Add required ports for your install, similar to:
# firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=1352/tcp --permanent
# firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=80/tcp --permanent
# firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=443/tcp --permanent
# firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=993/tcp --permanent
# firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=2050/tcp --permanent
# firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=1533/tcp --permanent
in this example we restrict SSH and e-mail to internal networks only ...
# firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-rich-rule="rule family="ipv4" source address="" port protocol="tcp" port="22" accept"
# firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-rich-rule="rule family="ipv4" source address="" port protocol="tcp" port="25" accept"
# firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-rich-rule="rule family="ipv4" source address="" port protocol="tcp" port="25" accept"
# firewall-cmd --reload

Confirm loaded and running:
# firewall-cmd --state
# firewall-cmd --list-all --zone=public

Other Misc Steps:
If running multiple IPs, update the network configuration with second ethernet.

Update /etc/hosts:
- Watch out for the GUI (desktop) tool to wipe out /etc/hosts and the loopback address!
- If a second line has been added for, comment it out with a # in front of the line. That messes up the server.
- Add a new line with the server's internal IP and FQDN and simple hostname:
# myserver myserver.mindwatering.net myserver
Save the file and exit. <esc> :wq.

If the /local/notesdata/ is a second virtual (or real) disk and you need to mount it, update /etc/fstab.
e.g. /dev/sdb1 /local/notesdata ext4 defaults 1 1

Verify that postfix is not running or enabled. If so, disable it.
# systemctl status postfix
< received active status>
# systemctl stop postfix
# systemctl disable postfix

Install Domino Start-up Scripts:
Request the service from Daniel Nashed's web site. When you receive it, uncompress the archive and run the install.
$ cd /home/myadmin/tmp/domsvc/
$ sudo tar -xvf start_script_331.tar
$ cd start_script
$ vi rc_domino_config
<update any settings for which you are not standard. So in our case, we updated the #Lotus line.
(<esc>:wq <enter>, to save)
$ sudo su
# ./install_script
< monitor >
# exit
Afterwards, you can:
$ sudo systemctl enable domino.service
$ sudo systemctl start domino.service

Note: So not to compete with HCL's path, the executable script path is /opt/nashed.

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