File Upload on Server Gives Error 500 on Linux

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 11/11/2005 at 09:20 AM


Domino Server Issues Troubleshooting

File Upload is not working. Internet Sites document is already set to allow post/upload of a post this size. The Domino server console may report that cannot write to disk and may include the comment disk marked for read only. Verifying the server's rights to the domino and /local/notesdata directory shows the server's account has write access to those folders.

Solution 1:
Domino user did not have access to the /tmp partition. In windows, Domino needs write access to the temporary folder specified in the $Temp environmental variable(s).

Solution 2:
Was both the Internet Site document updated and the HCL Domino (Lotus Domino) server document HTTP Protocol Limits

If the server is not using Internet Site document(s), then both tasks to perform below are located in the Server document.

Steps to Update the HTTP Protocol Limits on the Server Document:
1. Select the Domino server:
Domino Administrator client --> File --> Open Server (top main menu or select from the server list on the left) -->

2. Open the server document:
Configuration (tab) --> Server (left menu twistie) --> Server Documents (left menu view link) --> Open server document

3. Edit the Server updating the fields:
Edit Server (button) --> Internet Protocols (tab) --> HTTP (subtab) --> HTTP Protocol Limits (heading) -->
Updated the Maximum size of request content (field)
Maximum size of request content: 50000 kilobytes (specify 0 to allow unlimited content)

Click Save & Close button

Steps to Update the Internet Site Document:
1. Select the Domino server:
Domino Administrator client --> File --> Open Server (top main menu or select from the server list on the left) -->

2. Open the server document:
Configuration (tab) --> Web (left menu twistie) --> Internet Sites (left menu view link) --> Open site document

3. Edit the Server updating the appropriate sections/fields:
Edit Web Site (button) --> Configuration (tab) --> Allowed Methods (heading) --> Methods field
Confirm POST is checked/enabled.

Enable Compression if desired/supported by browsers:
Still in the web site document --> Configuration (tab) --> File System Compression Settings (heading) -->
Compressed: Enable
Create Compressed Files: Enable
Most of the time, we can leave the rest of the fields in this section at their default values.

Update the maximum POST Data size:
Still in the web site document --> Domino Web Engine (tab) --> POST Data (heading) -->
Maximum POST data (in kilobytes): 47000
File compression on upload: Enable

Note: The compression field is recommended if browsers support viewing them afterwards.

Enable output compression if desired/supported by browsers:
Still in the web site document --> Domino Web Engine (tab) --> Compression Settings (heading)
Compress output: Enabled

Most of the time, we can leave the rest of the fields in this section at their default values.

Save the Internet Site document:
Click Save & Close button

4. Refresh the HTTP configuration or wait 15 minutes
Domino Administrator client --> Server (tab) --> Server Console (left menu option) --> Click Live (button on right if not already live/running)

In the Domino Command field, enter:
tell http refresh

Click Send (button on right)
<watch screen for any issue with command>

5. Test in browser.

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