BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) Sametime (ST) Configuration

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 04/17/2009 at 02:54 PM


Domino Upgrades / Installations

1. BES configuration / access of Sametime is performed within the Blackberry Collaboration Service.
Define in those two fields the messaging host IP/domain name and port. By default the port number is 1533.

Sametime out of the box will be setup with one of the following ports for client messaging:
Sametime client (normally on 1533)
HTTP (normally on 8082, tunnelled normally on 80)
HTTPS (normally blank, 443 if SSL has been setup)
You can change the port options via the Sametime Administration Tool. If you change from the defaults, you will need to specifically have the ST clients set to use the custom ports.
See the Sametime Wiki for more complete port information.

2. Confirm any firewalls on the servers and the network do not block the servers from communicating on port 1533.

3. Set the BES server's IP as a trusted host on the Sametime server. You can check the sametime.log file on the ST server for any errors when the Blackberry users connect to ST to login.
If it is not trusted, there will be errors similar to:
E Server [DateTime] Rejecting server component [IP Address], not in trusted ips list

To fix this error:
Update the Community Trusted IPs field via the Sametime Administration web site. Separate entries with a "; ".
See BlackBerry's web site article: KB04928 for more information.

There are two ST clients available on the Blackberry. The Blackberry version sets up encrypted tunnel to BES server which then Proxies the communication.
The ST Mobile program uses the STLinks protocol. (For the ST Mobile protocol, issues are generally related to the APN/ Access Point Name. Each carrier generally has one and have to set it for a customer's account. Do Google search on "Carrier Specific APN/TCP settings.)

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