Directory Catalog / Dircat Commands

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 06/07/2011 at 04:04 PM


Domino Upgrades / Installations
Software (Re)Configuration

Common DirCat console commands:

We are assuming the Directory catalog file name is dc.nsf.

To load the task if not running:
load dircat dc.nsf

To load the task and completely rebuild the current catalog:
load dircat dc.nsf -r
- Note:
dircat will shutdown typically after running with the -r flag. After it's done simply just load dircat again with the load dircat command above.

If the dircat program is running when you want to do a restart, pause it:
tell dircat pause
- Note:
If you don't, it will stop suddenly. Then when it's time to run again, it will have to rebuild that current catalog again instead of just updating.

To tell dircat to quit:
tell dircat quit
- Note:
You might do this when you want to load it back with the -r flag to do a rebuild.

To setup the schedule:
If you have not set up the schedule yet, then you do it Directory Cataloger document.
1. Start Domino Administrator and load your server
2. Click Configuration (tab) --> Directories (twistie on left) --> Directory Cataloger --> choose Settings.
3. In the Directory Catalog Settings document, select the Server Tasks tab, and then the Directory Cataloger tab.
4. Set the schedule fields as desired. Default time is 6 hours between updates.

To set up what fields get incorporated into the catalog:
1. Start Domino Administrator and load your server
2. Click Configuration (tab) --> Directories (twistie on left) --> Directory Cataloge --> click the Edit Configuration button and update the fields desired.

Rebuild Example 1:
> sh tasks
(dircat is not running)
> load dircat dc.nsf -r

Rebuild Example 2:
> sh tasks
(Dircat task is running.)
> tell dircat quit
(In this case you don't care that it needs a rebuild because you didn't pause first as we're doing a rebuld next. Wait for dircat to stop successfully)
> load dircat dc.nsf -r

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