Stop Spamming Relays through the Server - R5 Server

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 12/03/1999 at 12:47 AM


Domino Server Issues Troubleshooting
Mail Routing

How to allow just POP3 clients (Outlook/Netscape/etc.)
In the server configuration document, click the following tabs:
Restrictions & Controls,
SMTP Inbound Controls.

There are 4 fields that are very important to blocking spamming:

1. "Allow messages from external internet domains to be sent only to the following internet domains:"
This controls which domains can receive mail by the mail server.
Enter in this field all domains (e.g.,,, etc.) that you want to allow mail

2. "Allow messages only from the following external internet hosts to be sent to external internet domains:"
This controls which domains will be relayed to other servers by the mail server.
In most cases, you do not want to relay domains that are not on your mail servers. Therefore, enter the same list of domains that you entered in #1 above.

3. "Deny connections from the following SMTP internet hostnames/IP addresses:"
This field allows the mail server to immediately block domain names or IP address of other MAIL SERVERS/CLIENTS that connect to the mail server that are known spammers.
Enter in known domains or machine IPs that send you spam.
If you put in, it will also block, so be careful.

4. "Deny messages from the following internet addresses/domains:"
This field allows the mail server to immediately block domain names or specific email addresses when the connecting client completes the MAIL FROM command. (This is usually the SMTPOriginator field of the spam email.)
Enter in the domains or specific addresses of known spammer's.
If you put in, it will also block, so be careful.

In addition, you can also turn on the the DNS checking. However, this will add some delay/load as the mail server then has to resolve it.
Lastly, if you do not have external POP3/IMAP clients you can actually lock the server even more securely. The fields and the values to complete for that configuration are in the Admin Courseware from Lotus (actual field values) and the overview of doing it is in the Admin help.

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