Rejected Server Reported Security Level Error in ST 7.x

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 11/06/2007 at 10:36 AM


Domino Server Issues Troubleshooting

ST server reports:
"I Server 31/Jun/07, 12:12:12 Rejecting Server - reported security level=0"

1. This is usually mismatched VP_Security_Level in sametime.ini.

2. Also verify servers can see each of the other servers via port 1516.
Simply "telnet 1516" and verify connection is made. Alternately, use NotesPing/NotesConnect if available.

3. If error is with older 3.x or 6.5x ST server, awareness issues can be addressed by implementing the parameter VP_SECURITY_LEVEL=0 in the sametime.ini. See Technote: 1159885 - "Sametime 6.5.1: Errors Occur when Sametime 6.5.1 Interacts with Sametime 2.x/3.x Server with Critical Fix 1 Applied".

4. See also Technote: 1206752 for more information on ST / Sametime connectivity between servers for Awareness.

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