Fix Marked for Deletion Issue During QuickPlace Upgrade from 3.0x to Team Workspace 6.5.1

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 11/06/2005 at 08:09 AM


Domino Upgrades / Installations

Some QuickPlace places failed upgrade are locked (easily cleared by qptool unlock -a command).
However, a portion of those places still could not be upgraded and showed that they were marked for deletion.
(The titles of the databases don't say it, just the text for the place when you go to log on to the place.)

A Possible Solution That Worked for Some Places (But Not Others):
Steps to upgrade and resolve.

1. Shut down the server.
2. Delete for the place-name's folder from the QuickPlace folder.
3. Copy the place-name folder from the backup location to same location within QuickPlace folder.
4. hange the ACL for all DBs within the place-name folder to Manager using the Files tab in the Administrator client.
5. Unlock the place-name.
nqptool unlock -p place-name
6. Run the qptool upgrade for the place-name place.
nqptool upgrade -p place-name

Note: You may also need to re-register the place, as well, if Quickplace says place is not a valid place.

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