IBM ODBC Driver for Notes 9 and Domino 9.x Setup Notes / Domino (NotesSQL)

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 01/21/2016 at 06:22 PM


Domino Upgrades / Installations
Software (Re)Configuration

IBM ODBC Driver for IBM Notes / Domino 9.x
This renamed product is the 9.x version of the older NotesSQL 8.x ODBC driver for MS Windows.

Make sure you are running the 32bit version if your Notes client or Domino server is 32bit.
(Notes client = 32-bit until Notes version 10, Domino server almost always 64-bit now)

1. Download.
To get the download, login to IBM Passport, search by part number (PN):
CIMW6EN (32-bit)
CIMW7EN (64-bit)

2. Run setup.exe installation file.
At the security prompt, allow the installation. Enter your administrative password to allow it.

3. After the splash screen, click the "Next" button.

4. "Accept" the License Agreement, and "Next"

5. The Installation Notes window, mentions that the OS environmental path must be set.
Click "Next" after browsing.

To set the path, follow these options from "Start" button:
Computer --> System Properties --> Advanced System Settings -->
(These steps above will get to the same old System Properties box.)
Environmental Variables --> Path

Hint: Add the NotesSQL after the Notes Program one, and check for spaces between entries. (See error 126 notes below.)

6. At the Install Options, you can probably just click "Next".

7. Wait as the progress bar shows the installation progress.

8. Click "Finish" at the Complete window.

ODBC Setup:
1. Goto the 32-bit or 64-bit ODBC Manager for your OS.
(that matches version of Notes or Domino installed)
Settings --> ODBC

2. Add new ODBC Datasource

3. Choose the Notes ODBC driver with the "9" in it.

4. Enter the Source fields - Name / Server / App/Db / User (for login) / Password

5. Map the fields.


32bit vs 64bit mismatch errors:
"OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "servernmip" returned message "[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] The specified DSN contains an architecture mismatch between the Driver and the Application" ... error 7303

“Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider “MSDASQL” for linked server “xxxxxxx”.
OLE DB provider “MSDASQL” for linked server “servernmip” returned message “[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] The specified DSN contains an architecture mismatch between the Driver and Application” ... error 7303

Bit errors or path errors:
ODBC error code 126, c:NotesSQL sqlc32.dll could not be found.
(Either you have a path error (typically a "space" in the path, or installed wrong bit version.)

Don't allow a space to be in your Path environmental variable for the OS before the notes.ini entry. In other words, remove spaces after the semi-colon and before the next entry.
"c:\folder\folder; C:\Program Files\ibm\notes; C:\NotesSQL"
"c:\folder\folder;C:\Program Files\ibm\notes;C:\NotesSQL"
(There is no space between the variables after folder\folder and before the NotesSQL entry.)


Notes SQL Obsolete Information:
(Kept in case of a new client with old Notes/Domino 8.5 client pops up.)

NotesSQL allows Notes or Domino to be consumed as an ODBC resource. Only 32bit and 64bit Windows versions exist.
Install the 32bit version for 32bit Notes or 32bit Domino, and 64bit if using with 64bit Domino. Match the Notes client / Domino server.

If you get the 32bit to 64bit wrong, you may get an error while running setup.

Make sure the other system being integrated is also same bit software/driver.
If you are running both 32bit Notes/Domino and installed the 32bit NotesSQL, of course, make sure you setup the ODBC using the 32bit ODBC program in Windows (odbcad32.exe).

For non local client/server apps, especially w/Eclipse and Tomcat app servers that user Java, you can access Domino from Java, as well, via JDBC.

Run the correct 'bit setup and follow the screens.

Post Installation:
1. Set up your path / environment in NotesSQL
a. Start --> IBM (Lotus) Applications --> Notes SQL --> Authentication List Manager.

b. Under the heading Step 1, update the Path to Notes.ini file... field, by browsing to the file.
(e.g. c:\Users\<mylogin>\AppData\Local\Lotus\Notes\data\notes.ini )

c. Under the heading Step 2, click the Display list button, and disable the pop-up dialog.

d. Still under Step 2, click the Add User button, browse to the file and add it.
(e.g. c:\Users\<mylogin>\AppData\Local\Lotus\Notes\data\ )

e. Click the Save List button, click the OK button.

2. Update the PC environmental path.
a. Choose Computer or My Computer. Click the Properties option at the top of the view.

b. Choose the Advanced system settings option. (authenticate)

c. In the dialog, got to the Advanced tab, and click the Environmental Variables button (near the bottom).

d. Under System variables, select the Path variable. Click the Edit button and append the new paths.
...; C:\Users\<myloginid>\AppData\Local\Lotus\Notes\Data; C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\Lotus\Notes; C:\NotesSQL;

e. Click OK when done. Restart your PC and you're ready to test.

ODBC Setup:
1. Open the correct ODBC panel:
- for 64bit:
Control Panel --> Administrative Tools --> ODBC Data Sources --> User DSN
- for 32bit:
Run --> c:\windows\sysWOW64\odbcad32.exe

2. Click the Add button and select the Lotus Notes SQL Driver (*.nsf)

3. In the ODBC Lotus Notes Setup dialog, complete the fields.
a. Beside the Data source name field, enter a name. (e.g. SQLNotesTest )

b. Beside the Domino server field, enter the Domino server name. (e.g. Dom1/Mindwatering )

c. Beside the Database field, enter the app/database filename. ( MWSQLTest.nsf )

d. Beside the User name field, enter the user name configured for the ID in post setup steps above. (e.g. Test User/Mindwatering )

e. Click OK to save/add the DSN.

Sample .Net Code:
OdbcConnection conn = null;
conn = new OdbcConnection();
conn.ConnectionString = "Driver={Lotus Notes SQL Driver(*.nsf)};Server=Dom1/Mindwatering;
Database=MWSQLTest.nsf;Uid=Test User/Mindwatering;Pwd=mypasswd1234;MaxVarcharLen=1024";

DataTable myTbl = conn.GetSchema("MyViewNm");

OdbcCommand connquery = conn.CreateCommand();
connquery.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM MYVIEWNM";

DataSet qRes = new DataSet();
using (OdbcDataAdapter adapter = new OdbcDataAdapter(conn))
adapter.Fill( qRes )

... rest of code ...

catch (Exception e)
if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open)

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