iCal/ ICS in Desktop Settings for Calendar Overlays

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 08/23/2019 at 06:03 PM


Domino Upgrades / Installations
Software (Re)Configuration

Set organizational calendar event overlays for groups of staff.

1. Create Agent that runs from the menu:
- Give name, e.g. zCalendarAddICS
Document Selection:
uses 'Policy Settings\Desktop Settings, ...' form

Action Code:
FIELD $PrefAddCalendarURL := "https://www.domainname.com/ics/file.ics";
FIELD $PrefFeedRefreshInterval := "1800";

2. Highlight the desired Desktop Settings document. Run the agent created in the first step above.

3. Open the Policy document for the settings document and save it. That seems to help Notes client policies taking effect in some cases.

4. Close and restart the Notes client. You need to wait until you see the message that Notes configuration settings have been refreshed.

5. Open up the Calendar view. You will be prompted with a calendar pop-up dialog (as if you clicked "Add Calendar" on the left menu). Next to the Label field, enter a label, select a refresh option as applicable and click the "OK" button to save.

Note that both INI entries have the prefix $Pref.
You cannot give the field a list. Only one entry can be added at a time.
The FeedRefreshInterval INI must be entered as a text string, or the monthly calendar view won't load and display a message about the time interval needs to be positive.

The INI doesn't delete after use on the Notes client (set once), it prompts every time Notes calendar is used. You have to remove it afterwards.
This setting when removed from the Desktop Settings document may "stick" in the Notes clients. Therefore, we used an Action to set the $PrefAddCalendarURL=""; instead of @DeleteField.

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