Domino Internet Clustering on Netfinity Servers (Internet Cluster Manager)

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 11/22/2000 at 06:28 PM


Domino Upgrades / Installations
Software (Re)Configuration

Lotus Domino R5 Clustering with IBM e(logo)server xSeries and Netfinity
Servers, SG24-5141-01


For many businesses, downtime due to server or software failure can have
a significant impact on business results. One way to minimize downtime is
by implementing clustered systems. Clusters are groups of servers treated
as a single computing resource that provides services to network users.
When a clustered server fails, its workload is passed to other members of
the cluster until corrective action can be taken and the failed server is
brought back in to operation again.

Domino's clustering technology is independent of the servers' underlying
operating systems. This means that a single cluster can comprise servers
running a variety of the operating systems supported by Domino, from
System/390, to AIX, to Windows 2000 and Linux.

The examples in the book are based on IBM Netfinity servers. These
machines, and the recently announced xSeries servers, are Intel-based,
industry-standard systems that offer a number of innovative features to
provide a stable and reliable platform for business-critical computing.

Microsoft Windows 2000 and Linux are the operating systems chosen for the
examples. This choice reflects the growing interest in these operating
systems in the corporate marketplace.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Domino clustering overview
Chapter 2. Planning a Domino cluster
Chapter 3. Designing a Domino cluster
Chapter 4. Installing and configuring a Domino cluster
Chapter 5. Administering Domino clusters
Chapter 6. Domino and Windows 2000 clustering
Appendix A. Partitioned Domino servers
Appendix B. Tuning Domino clusters
Appendix C. NOTES.INI variables

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