Notes Client 8 and Sametime Connect 8 Enterprise Install Considerations

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 03/25/2008 at 06:58 PM


Domino Upgrades / Installations

Notes Client 8

Notes 8 Basic requires similar resources as Notes 7.
Recommended for installs w/less than 512mb memory on XP. Less than 1gb memory w/Vista.

Notes 8 standard client load time slower than basic one (ex: 30 seconds when basic client is 5 seconds. 8.0.2. and 8.5.x load in about 10-15 seconds).

Notes Client Roaming:
- Roaming keeps files in sync for users w/multi-client install or unshared single client install
- Limitations:
-- New client wizard on new workstations unless MS document and settings roaming also enabled
-- Switching IDs not supported w/Roaming.

Citrix Support for Notes 8
- 8.0 for basic client, 8.01 for standard client

Terminal Services for Notes 8
- Not supported as of 3/2008.


ST 8 Client

Not all features are enabled for ST Connect client. Create new Sametime Policy on ST server for users allowed to use all features.
ST server has Policy task that needs to be restarted or wait for periodic configuration auto-update.

If users "roam" to another workstation, server host, id, and password do not roam. However, the client install can be run to default the Sametime server and to update which features are installed. In addition, the ST Policy can set a default community.

Default Community and Install Setup, see:
- ST 7.5x
-- Connect Install Customization
- ST 8.0x
-- Connect Install Customization (page 72)
-- Server Community Info:

Citrix Support for ST Connect 8:
- No, see:

Terminal Services for ST 8
- Not supported

* Other important fixpack info:
ST Update Issue -
ST & MS Server 2003 -


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