Quickr 8.2 Entry Notes

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 09/29/2010 at 12:34 PM


Domino Upgrades / Installations

Additional notes on Quickr Entry setup:

1. Install Domino as normal and do the post install setup
a. We also took the option to include DA so that secondary directories are used for authentication.

2. After install notes:
a. Under Internet Protocols in the server doc, setup SSO. If you have SSO already and want to do multi-server, then add the new Quickr server to the multi-server SSO.

b. Under Internet Protocols in the server doc, enter only ONE name in the Hostnames field. Otherwise, you end up with weird URLs when you create places as will use/concatenate all the names together.

c. Under Internet Protocols in the server doc, change the Java Servlets engine from none to Domino Servlet Manager.

3. Quickr Entry Install Notes:
a. Choose the Install Lotus Quickr Entry option during the install wizard.

b. For the QuickPlace administrator, enter a name and password for someone NOT in the directory. (e.g. QP Admin).

4. After Quickr Install Notes:
a Now add that same name in the Directory by creating a person doc:
First Name: QP
LastName: Admin
Username: QP Admin/lotusquickr/QP/Mindwatering; QP Admin
Shortname: QPAdmin
Password: <same as entered above>

b. Make the registry changes as per documentation.

"TcpTimedWaitDelay"= dword:0000001e
"MaxUserPort"= dword:0000fffe
"TcpWindowSize"= dword:0000ffff
"MaxFreeTcbs"= dword:00011940
"MaxHashTableSize"= dword:0000ffff


c. Increase the file upload limit (default is 10Mb).
c1. Increase in Quickr Site Administration --> Other Options page.
c2. Increase in Quickr Server Doc --> Internet Protocols --> Domino Web Engine --> Post Data section --> Maximum Post Data field.
c3. Increase in Quickr Server Doc --> Internet Protocols --> HTTP --> HTTP Protocols Limits section --> Maximum size of request content field.


d. Create the places using the npqptool. Use the XML because you only have to do it once and it uses the CN as the place name so your command is shorter to enter.
The npqptool is in the e:/Lotus/Domino folder, so just copy your xml file to that folder and then remove it afterwards.
nqptool createentryplace -i qpentry.xml
Sample XML:
<?xml version="1.0" ?>

4. Install the Notes Client and Windows Connectors
After creating the places, the users will each get an e-mail. In the yellow tips section on the left and at the bottom under Quickr Connections are links to install the connectors. (Same destination. Either link is fine.)
When you run the install, only go to install the components you have (e.g. Notes Client and NOT Sametime standalone client. Otherwise, it won't be able to find their install directories and your just going to go back anyway. Also, once you've installed them. They won't work unless you enable them since this is Quickr Entry.

For XP, enable it this way:
(This didn't work for Windows 7. We cannot get the Explorer part to work.)

a. Start a command prompt and change to the Quickr connectors install directory:
C:\Program Files\IBM\Lotus Quickr connectors
b. Run:
regsvr32 DIEntry.dll
c. If successful, reboot or log off and log in again to OS to take effect.


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