NT4.0 SP6 Installation and HotFix for Lotus Notes R5

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 11/16/1999 at 07:14 PM


Domino Upgrades / Installations
Software Installation

When applying SP6 to NT4 with Notes. Also, make sure you have downloaded the hot fix for it, as well. (Service Pack 6a)

Microsoft has a fix for this SP6 bug, Copied from MS site; "The SP6 issue discovered last week that affects Lotus Notes and some other Winsock applications has been fixed.

Customers using these applications should install the corresponding Alpha or X86 hotfix after installing SP6. For more information on this issue, please read Microsoft KB Article Q245678." http://www.microsoft.com/ntserver/nts/downloads/recommended/sp6/

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