HCL Domino 11.0.1 and Sametime 11.0 FP1 In-Place Upgrade from Domino 11.0 and Sametime 11.0

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 06/06/2020 at 11:21 AM


Domino Upgrades / Installations
Software Upgrade

Steps for In-place Upgrade
of HCL Domino 11.0 to Domino 11.0.1 and HCL Sametime from 11.0 to Sametime 11.0 with FP1

- Linux server OS is CentOS 7.7, existing Domino is 64-bit, or course.
- The existing start-up script is the Nashed one. It's a few years old, but still worked, so we didn't replace it with the newest one.
- A full step-by-step from a new CentOS 7.7 is also available in this support app titled: HCL Domino 11 on CentOS 7.6 / CentOS 7.7 Step-by-Step Swing Upgrade / Installation

When we upgraded from Domino 11.0 to Domino 11.0.1, Sametime was broken. Upon reboot, the status for Sametime is perpetually:
Sametime starting ...

If you stop Sametime and start it again, the console message is:
Error attempting to load or run staddin:
Unable to locate program
Because of this issue, we did both Domino and Sametime upgrades in one pass.

In-Place Domino Upgrade:
1. Using Filezilla, copy the install file to the server in the server's downloads folder.
(In this case, to a dom11 folder in the server's admin user's Downloads folder)

2. Start SSH Terminal to server. View and extract files.
$ ssh myadmin@mystserver.mindwatering.com
<enter password>

$ cd /home/myadmin/Downloads/dom11/
$ pwd
$ ls *

# sudo su
# tar -xvf Domino_1101_Linux_English.tar
<watched files extracted>

3. Backed-up the jvm folder and Performed the installation.
# systemctl stop domino.service
# systemctl status domino.service
... Domino for xLinux (notes) shutdown completed
<ctl + c>

# cd linux64

# ./install
<go through the prompts>
- The steps/questions are the same. But the navigation is a bit different as the new installation program is InstallAnywhere. So you click <enter> instead of <tab> to accept a setting, and you have to use "0" to get to the end of the license fine print page.
- Since my server has been upgraded over the years, the executable path still shows an IBM based one. So at Program Files Directory Name, we changed /opt/hcl/domino to /opt/ibm/domino. Update if yours if different.
- For Data Files Directory Name, we use /local/notesdata for our data path.
- For User Name, and Group Name, our Domino server user id is notes.
- Major releases always have a directory upgrade, the server "hangs" waiting on the answer. So our first boot into 11 will be manually.
- - There is a new ini for V11 to delay the Directory design upgrade. To enable add the following to the notes.ini on the Domino server: SERVER_UPGRADE_NO_DIRECTORY_UPGRADE_PROMPT=1

Skip to step 5, if this is not the administrative server for the Domino Domain.

4. Modify the lines below for your environment; start the server manually to upgrade the directory.
# cd /local/notedata/
# su notes
$ /opt/ibm/domino/bin/server
<answer Yes, with Y>

It might take a bit longer for large directories. But for us, it is done in about 30 seconds.
We let the Domino server run for 30 minutes and just watched it for any issues.

Shutdown the Domino service.
> q
$ exit

In-Place Sametime Upgrade:
5a. Extract the Sametime 11.0 FP1 software:
# sudo su
< password >
# tar -xvf Sametime_11.0_FP1_CommunityServer_Linux64.tar
< folders extracted>

# cd Sametime_11.0_FP1_CommunityServer_Linux64/Server
# chmod g+x install.bin
# chmod u+x install.bin

The old installer.properties is now named options-unix.txt.

# vi options-unix.txt
The contents have changed. Instead of just seeing everything once, we now see multiple configuration options. We have to clear the one that doesn't apply to us.
So if we are using Domino authentication, we set the top, but clear all the LDAP 1/6 through 6/6 sections.
- If using LDAP instead of Domino for your directory, change DIRECTORY_TYPE_DOMINO=0, change DIRECTORY_TYPE_LDAP=1, and complete the LDAP_SERVER and LDAP_PORT with your settings.
- Update UNIX_UserName and UNIX_GroupName if not notes.
- Update UNIX_SERVERNAME to your server's FQDN hostname.
- Update the ST_BRANDING_INFO=entry, or ST_BRANDING_INFO=standard, depending on your license.

If you want the prompts w/o using the options-unix.txt file, start the installer - console only:
# sudo ./install.bin
Click OK at the Sametime installation window/dialog.
Click Next and proceed through the installation steps.

To use the options-unix.txt file silently, install with:
# ./install.bin -i silent
- It will look for the options-unix.txt file automatically. Alternately, you can use the -f flag to specify an alternate folder location.
- When the server is installed correctly, this file will have 0 as content: /local/notesdata/stsetup_exit_status.txt. Otherwise, it will contain any error messages.

Start the server manually as the notes user, and start the server normally.
# cd /local/notesdata
# su notes
$ /opt/ibm/domino/bin/server
Watch the server to make sure it upgrades the design of various databases (e.g. monitoring configuration) and wait for services to start.
> q

Exit being the notes user.
$ exit
# systemctl start domino.service
< wait >
# systemctl status domino.service

Remove the jvm-old folder if desired:
# rm -rf /opt/ibm/domino/notes/latest/linux/jvm-old/

If all is well. Exit the root user. Exit the SSH session.
# exit
$ exit


Other Upgrade Notes:
If you get an errors like:

Check the /local/notesdata/STCore.jar is available.
# ls *.jar -l
<look at results>
lrwxrwxrwx 1 lotusnotes lotusnotes 67 Dec 27 22:16 mongodb-driver-async-3.2.2.jar -> /opt/ibm/domino/notes/11000000/linux/mongodb-driver-async-3.2.2.jar
lrwxrwxrwx 1 lotusnotes lotusnotes 64 Dec 27 22:16 mongo-java-driver-3.2.2.jar -> /opt/ibm/domino/notes/11000000/linux/mongo-java-driver-3.2.2.jar
lrwxrwxrwx 1 lotusnotes lotusnotes 47 Dec 27 22:16 STCore.jar -> /opt/ibm/domino/notes/11000000/linux/STCore.jar
lrwxrwxrwx 1 lotusnotes lotusnotes 56 Dec 27 22:16 STMtgManagement.jar -> /opt/ibm/domino/notes/11000000/linux/STMtgManagement.jar
lrwxrwxrwx 1 lotusnotes lotusnotes 56 Dec 27 22:16 STNotesCalendar.jar -> /opt/ibm/domino/notes/11000000/linux/STNotesCalendar.jar
lrwxrwxrwx 1 lotusnotes lotusnotes 49 Dec 27 22:16 STPolicy.jar -> /opt/ibm/domino/notes/11000000/linux/STPolicy.jar
lrwxrwxrwx 1 lotusnotes lotusnotes 59 Dec 27 22:16 STRunTimeDebugTool.jar -> /opt/ibm/domino/notes/11000000/linux/STRunTimeDebugTool.jar
Note that the problem is that jar is pointing to the old Domino notes path. The link needs to be updated to the current release, which in this case, is: 11000100.

Fix by updating the links:
# ln -sfn /opt/ibm/domino/notes/11000100/linux/activation.jar ./activation.jar
# ln -sfn /opt/ibm/domino/notes/11000100/linux/AdminpUpdate.jar ./AdminpUpdate.jar
# ln -sfn /opt/ibm/domino/notes/11000100/linux/anonTokenAuth.jar ./anonTokenAuth.jar
# ln -sfn /opt/ibm/domino/notes/11000100/linux/BLBackwardCompatibilitySA.jar ./BLBackwardCompatibilitySA.jar
# ln -sfn /opt/ibm/domino/notes/11000100/linux/BLFrontEndSubscriptionSA.jar ./BLFrontEndSubscriptionSA.jar
# ln -sfn /opt/ibm/domino/notes/11000100/linux/BLPresenceServicePublishSA.jar ./BLPresenceServicePublishSA.jar
# ln -sfn /opt/ibm/domino/notes/11000100/linux/mail.jar ./mail.jar
# ln -sfn /opt/ibm/domino/notes/11000100/linux/STCore.jar ./STCore.jar
# ln -sfn /opt/ibm/domino/notes/11000100/linux/STMtgManagement.jar ./STMtgManagement.jar
# ln -sfn /opt/ibm/domino/notes/11000100/linux/STNotesCalendar.jar ./STNotesCalendar.jar
# ln -sfn /opt/ibm/domino/notes/11000100/linux/STPolicy.jar ./STPolicy.jar
# ln -sfn /opt/ibm/domino/notes/11000100/linux/STRunTimeDebugTool.jar ./STRunTimeDebugTool.jar
# ln -sfn /opt/ibm/domino/notes/11000100/linux/StChat.jar ./StChat.jar
# ln -sfn /opt/ibm/domino/notes/11000100/linux/stdiagzip.jar ./stdiagzip.jar
# ln -sfn /opt/ibm/domino/notes/11000100/linux/stnamechange.jar ./stnamechange.jar
# ln -sfn /opt/ibm/domino/notes/11000100/linux/StOfflineMessages.jar ./StOfflineMessages.jar
# ln -sfn /opt/ibm/domino/notes/11000100/linux/UserInfo.jar ./UserInfo.jar

- TelephonyActivity.jar was still missing/red. It's no longer a deployed jar. We removed the link.
# rm TelephonyActivity.jar
- The old two mongo entries on the /local/notesdata side now display three mongo entries in the opt/ibm/domino path. One is a new version, two are new. Not knowing if they are used, we added both of the new ones.
# rm mongo-java-driver-3.2.2.jar
# rm mongodb-driver-async-3.2.2.jar
# ln -s /opt/ibm/domino/notes/11000100/linux/mongodb-driver-async-3.6.4.jar ./mongodb-driver-async-3.6.4.jar
# ln -s /opt/ibm/domino/notes/11000100/linux/mongodb-driver-core-3.6.4.jar ./mongodb-driver-core-3.6.4.jar
# ln -s /opt/ibm/domino/notes/11000100/linux/mongodb-driver-3.6.4.jar ./mongodb-driver-3.6.4.jar

Uninstall / Reinstall of Sametime 11.0.1:
If you get an error where Sametime didn't fully succeed, a subsequent try won't work. You have to uninstall, and then reinstall.
"One or more newer versions of the product are already installed. An upgrade is not applicable."

1. Backup files
The uninstall does NOT leave the ST apps and ini config intact. Back them up first. Restore the stconfig.nsf and the vpuserinfo.nsf after the installation. Do a delta compare on the other files to see if should be used.
- stconfig.nsf
- sametime.ini
- vpuserinfo.nsf
- UserInfoConfig.xml,
- policies.user.xml
- policies.server.xml
- chatlogging.ini

2. Uninstall:
As root, run the uninstall in the directory: /local/notesdata/_HCL Sametime Server 11.0 FP1_installation/.
Launch uninstall.

3. Reinstall:
Run the install again (above steps) to reinstall HCL Sametime 11.0 FP1.

4. Restore files
Restore ONLY The files that you need to. If the install was botch, you may need to analyze whether the ini files should be replaced.
But definitely put pack the vpuserinfo.nsf.

If you still cannot re-install after the install, Sametime install checks for the presence of a XML file with the variable (IA_GLOBAL_REG_LOCATION):

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