Domino 12.0.2 and Domino 12.0.2 FP3 on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 08/09/2024 at 02:05 PM


Domino Upgrades / Installations
Software Installation

Domino 12.0.2 and Domino 12.0.2 FP3 on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS

- The HCL recommended install platform is RockyOS / RedHat OS.
- We have found Ubuntu to cause less issues and stable. It has become our corporate preferred Linux distro

Create New VM / Instance:
1. Spin up a new VM/Instance of Ubuntu.
a. Create new VM from template. (e.g. Ubuntu 24.04 LTS)
b. ssh into the VM
$ ssh
b. Confirm the release:
$ lsb_release -a
Description: Ubuntu 24.04 LTS
c. Confirm disk space is sufficient:
(6 GB min, 8 GB preferred for OS & Domino OS, add more for notesdata folder.)
$ df -h
/dev/root 6.8G 2.2G 4.6G 32% /
d. Update the OS
$ sudo su
<enter pwd>
$ apt-get update
< wait >
$ apt-get upgrade -y
< wait >

Perform OS Prerequisites:
1. Install GDB needed for NSD:
$ sudo apt-get install gdb -y
< wait >

2. Update file handle limits:
$ sudo vi /etc/security/limits.conf
(where notes is / will be the o/s username for the server. Use 65535 for 64 bit Linux for both the soft and hard limit, per HCL, as of 2019/12.)
Add / modify the following lines:
notes soft nofile 65535
notes hard nofile 65535
(<esc>:wq <enter>, to save)

3. Create new notes user & home folder.
a. Create Domino server user:
$ sudo useradd -d /home/notes -m notes

b. Update the home bashrc so for the Domino environmental variables:
$ sudo vi /home/notes/.bashrc
Add to the end of the file: export DOMINO_LINUX_SET_PARMS=1
(<esc>:wq <enter>, to save)

4: Give the new notes user a password. After enter, enter your password and then notes user password twice.
$ sudo passwd notes
< enter password>
< enter confirmation of password>

5. Create the Domino data (notesdata) folder:
$ sudo mkdir /local/
$ sudo mkdir /notesdata/
$ chown notes:notes /local/notesdata/
$ chmod g+w /local/notesdata/

6. Update the OS firewall and start it:
( Be VERY careful to not lock yourself out. Update the IPs subnets below to the correct paths. )
$ sudo ufw allow proto tcp to any port 22 from
$ sudo ufw allow proto tcp to any port 25 from
$ sudo ufw allow proto tcp to any port 1352
$ sudo ufw allow proto tcp to any port 80
$ sudo ufw allow proto tcp to any port 443
$ ufw enable

7. Because the Domino installation program requires BASH, we need to replace the default SH:
$ sudo rm /bin/sh
$ ln -s /bin/bash /bin/sh

8. Allow notes user to stop and start it's own service
(Optional: you may or may not want the notes (domino server) to be able to start and stop itself.)
Add the following lines via visudo:
$ visudo
%notes ALL= NOPASSWD: /etc/init.d/rc_domino *, /usr/bin/domino *

This allows the notes user to stop or start the Domino server via: $ sudo /etc/init.d/rc_domino ...

9. Copy the Domino installation files to the server VM / instance:
a. Use ssh/scp or Filezilla or other tool to copy the installation tar file, Domino_12.0.2_Linux_English.tar, to the /home/myadminid folder

b. Use ssh/scp or Filezilla or other tool to copy the installation tar file, Domino_1202FP3_Linux.tar, to the /home/myadminid folder

10. Update the /etc/hosts file and add the dns name and IP of the domino server
$ sudo vi /etc/hosts
<add entry, see example below >
# custom mw entry myserver
<esc>:wq <enter> (to save)

Install Domino:
$ cd /home/myadminid/
$ sudo su
< enter pwd >
# tar -xvf Domino_12.0.2_Linux_English.tar
< watch files extract >
# mv linux64 dom1202linux64
# cd dom1202linux64
# ./install
< go through the prompts - typically we can take the defaults >

Install Domino latest FP:
$ cd /home/myadminid/
$ sudo su
< enter pwd >
# tar -xvf Domino_1202FP3_Linux.tar
< watch files extract >
# mv linux64 dom1202fp3linux64
# cd dom1202fp3linux64/domino
# ./install
< go through the prompts - typically we can take the defaults, accepting of settings is <tab> key instead >

Install Nashed Start-up Script:
1. Download the install script:
$ cd /home/myadminid/
$ curl -L $(curl -sL -o domino-startscript_latest.tar
< wait >
$ tar -xf domino-startscript_latest.tar
< wait >

2. Install the service script:
(At the time of this writing, the versions is 3.8.0, update for the current version, as applicable.)
$ sudo su
# cd domino-startscript-3.8.0
# ./install_script

OPTION A: Perform setup of First Server or Additional Server w/nashed start script:
Note: The setup that is mentioned is not in the OneTouchSetup folder or the one above it. Therefore, we will do semi-manually:
$ sudo su
# domino setup
< review file - use wq! to save any changes >

Start the service:
# systemctl start domino.service

OPTION B: Perform setup of First Server or Additional Server the regular way:
If the target files are not automatically placed, you can copy them like so:
# mv /local/notesdata/DominoAutoConfig.json /local/notesdata/DominoAutoConfig_backup.json
# cp /opt/nashcom/startscript/OneTouchSetup/first_server.json /local/notesdata/DominoAutoConfig.json
# vi /local/notesdata/DominoAutoConfig.json
< update the {{field-name}} variables to your personal or organizational setup >
<esc>:wq <enter> (to save)
# chown notes:notes /local/notesdata/DominoAutoConfig.json

Switch to the notes user and perform setup:
# su - notes
$ /opt/hcl/domino/bin/tools/startup /opt/hcl/domino/notes/latest/linux/server -autoconf DominoAutoConfig.json
< wait - review setup, some items will return 'No error' if successful >

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