Dynamic Policy Overview in Notes 8.5

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 01/21/2010 at 11:39 AM


Domino Upgrades / Installations
Software (Re)Configuration

Before Domino 8.5, there were two policy types: organizational and explicit. Organization was "dynamic" in that it used the person's name to assign the policy.
If you renamed the user from one OU to another OU, the user could have a different policy assigned. An explicit polity is assigned to users to trump an organizational polity setting(s).
It was done by highlighting the user and using the Assign Policy button. You could also fill out the explicit policy field in the Person document, too.

In 8.5, you have a new Dynamic type. This one uses a group membership. (Or you can explicity add a user.) Instead of having to move someone in the organizational hierarchy, you can abstract this to a group membership -- Very nice! Technically it's still an Explicit type, it just now works dynamically.

To create a dynamic policy:
Admin Client --> Any server --> People & Groups tab --> Polices twistie/option.
Once in a policy view, click the Add Policy button.
(I'm assuming you have Editor access and the PolicyCreator and the PolicyModifier roles.)

Basic tab:
Policy Name: <unique policy name>
Policy Type: Explicit
Description: <optional, enter something helpful>
Category: <optional, useful to categorize by a location or department, also needed for the viewing of all these dynamic policies by Precedence or Category>

Policy Assignment tab:
Users & Groups: <add the group or user names, this is what makes it dynamic>

Click the Save & Close button.

Add Settings documents to the policy just like you would before.

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