DAOS Console Commands

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 01/21/2010 at 12:26 PM


Domino Upgrades / Installations
Software (Re)Configuration

List of DAOS commands for easy reference/studying for test:
load daosmgr - starts DAOS, assuming enabled on that server and you told it to quit

tell daosmgr quit - stops DAOS.

tell daosmgr status - lists the current status of the DAOS operations running.

tell daosmgr status <db.nsf> - lists the status for a specific database.

tell daosmgr status catalog - displays the status of the DAOS catalog.

tell daosmgr dbsummary - displays status of all DAOS-enabled databases.

tell daosmgr databases - displays status of all DAOS-enabled databases like above with more detail including last resync point.

tell daosmgr listNLO - lists the DAOS objects in the file repository, indicates missing objects (attachments).

tell daosmgr listnlo -o myreport.txt missing mydb.nsf. - same as report above, except puts output to a file set by -o, the MISSING allows you to only list the missing files for the db, mydb.nsf in this example.

tell daosmgr prune - with no argument displays the prune interval set on the server document.

tell daosmgr prune 0 - prunes/deletes all attachments/objects (.NLOs) w/o documents, now.

tell daosmgr prune 12 - prunes/deletes all attachments/objects (.NLOs) > than 12 days that have no document referencing them.

tell daosmgr resync - resyncs all DAOS enabled databases with their objects (attachment references in their docs).
(This needs to be done whenever the count is off in the DAOS catalog (DAOSCAT.nsf).
e.g. you have restored a database from backup. If the system detects the count is off, no pruning can happen until sync happens again. Doesn't run if system thinks it's synced.)

tell daosmgr resync force - resyncs the count in the catalog to the objects (.NLOs) regardless if the catalog thinks it's still synced.

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