SMTP R5 Error on Outbound

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 10/15/1999 at 11:43 PM


Domino Server Issues Troubleshooting
Mail Routing

Response to: SMTP R5 Error on outbound
on 07/02 at 01:45 PM

Author: Ralph Borcherds
Category: Domino Server -- Router
Release: Release 5

Subject: RE: SMTP R5 Error on outbound

Message Content:
The only fix that I have found is to delete the configuration document and create a new one and
keep almost all of the default settings on the conversion type stuff.

e-mail me and I can forward the settings that I have to you. I
will do this July 9 to everyone that sends me an e-mail.

Ralph Borcherds


First you should check on your foreign domain document in the domain area of your public addres
book. That document type should be set to SMTP. The internet domain has to be set to *.*

That will help you resolve your problem.

For further reference check the SMTP installation guide. You will find the steps to set up
this connection.

See also the Admin Course guide to Maintaining Domino Servers. It's step-by-step works well.

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