If you are using R5, you should use the Administration
Client to set fields in server configuration. Select the
Configuration Tab of the Administration client and then go
to Configurations. Select or create the configuration
document for your MTA server. Select the Router/SMTP tab of
the configuration document. Then choose Restrictions and
Controls, then SMTP Inbound controls.
In the field "Allow messages from external Internet domains
to be sent only to the following Internet domains" enter the
name of the domain your POP3 clients use (e.g. nhc.com).
Save the document. There are additional fields that you can
configure to allow specific domains to relay messages, but
these get a little confusing. For complete details, see the
document "Restricting who can use your system to relay
Internet mail"
(http://doc.notes.net/domino_notes/5.0.3/help5_admin.nsf/078c27b23262ffff852566dd0029426a/2f6c8e69b2f6f5740525687b0065c710 )
in the R5 Administration Help database.
If you populate the "Deny messages from the following
external Internet hosts to be sent to external Internet
domains:", the MTA will allow mail from any domain not
listed in that field. So it is better to leave that one
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