HCL Domino / HCL Traveler Email Setup on Android Phones / Pads / Devices

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp Black

Created: 05/25/2011 at 10:36 AM


Domino - User Setup Information, Email Setup
iPhone, Android

Need to setup e-mail for use with HCL Traveler (Lotus Traveler) with an Android specific client on an Android phone.

Instructions for Android Phones:

Your Android phone may not allow by default "non-Market" (carrier) installed apps to be installed. To turn this off, do the following:
Menu --> Settings --> Applications. Choose Unknown sources --> Choose Allow Installation of non-Market applications option.

If you installed a beta version, you need to remove it first. IBM doesn't not support upgrade from a beta version.

1. Bring up the URL in the web browser on the Android device:

2. Log in using your user id / name and password.
(e.g. Jane Doe and janesPassw0rd)

3. Choose Select an IBM Lotus Mobile Installer --> choose Android. Transfer / download the installer file. Select Open the file to run the installation.

4. Accept the license agreement via Agree.

5. Click Next at Welcome text .
a. Enter the server address for the Traveler server. (e.g. server.mydomain.com)
(If you have a custom port use the standard :nnnn after the FQDN of the Traveler server. Mindwatering servers do not use this. )
b. Enter the user name and password.
c. Click Next.

6. Wait for the setup to complete. Click Open to start the personalization configuration wizard. If you are prompted to install an update, click Yes to download and install it. Click Next on the opening text.

7. Select the applications/features you want to Sync. Choose whether to store the data using internal device storage or an attached SD (if available).
If you add SD later, you'll have to de-install and re-install to switch where you store data.
In addition, Android OS 2.2 on some devices would also wipe the SD storage when upgraded. So watch out and synch often. Supposedly this was fixed after version 2.2.

8. Select OK to complete this install and wait for synched data to populate your applications.

Android FAQs are also on the Lotus web site:

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