Add or Remove IBM Lotus Domino MS Windows Service Entry in the Services Management Tool

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 10/07/2013 at 02:35 PM


Domino Upgrades / Installations
Software (Re)Configuration

Add or remove the Lotus Domino Server / IBM Domino Server entry in the services list in the Services management MS Windows tool.

IBM includes an executable called ntsvinst.exe that adds or removes the IBM Lotus Domino service entry of MS Windows services.

A. To Remove / Delete:
Check the services list and confirm the exactly name of the services entry.
1. Start --> Settings --> Control Panel

2. (Assuming classic view) Administrative Tools --> Services

3. Verify the spelling of the service entry as it changes over all the versions. See example below:

Note: Leave the window open.

4. From a command prompt:
C:\IBM\Domino> ntsvinst -d -t"Lotus Domino Server (LotusDominodata)"
Note: There is NO SPACE after the lowercase T.

5. Refresh the services window to confirm the entry is removed.

B. To Re-Add (or add if you chose not to install the service during install):
1. From a command prompt:
C:\IBM\Domino> ntsvinst -c -t"Lotus Domino Server (LotusDominodata)" -ic:\ibm\domino\data\notes.ini
Note: There is NO SPACE after the lowercase T or I/i, and update the path after the -i.

2. Open the Services management tool and confirm the service was added successfully.
a. Start --> Settings --> Control Panel
b. (Assuming classic view) Administrative Tools --> Services

C. Alternate method to delete bypassing the IBM tool:
1. From a command prompt:
C:\> sc delete "Lotus Domino Server (LotusDominodata)"

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