OnTime Suite Group Calendar - Uninstall for old 9.x Group Calendar for Upgrade to 3.5 rX

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 08/16/2013 at 04:18 PM


Domino Upgrades / Installations
Software (Re)Configuration

Not sure how to migrate from old 9.x version of OnTime Group Calendar, to the new version?
OnTime informed us is was a re-install, not an upgrade. There is no un-install for upgrade section that we could see in the Admin documentation.

Uninstall Steps:
1. Stop the OnTimeGC system task and calendar / resource tasks in console:
> tell ontimegc quit
> tell sched quit
> tell rnrmgr quit

Note: Alternately, you can quit in from the OnTime Config database (calconn.nsf typically)
Administration (menu) --> Server Options (view choice) --> Open Server document --> OnTime (action bar) --> Quit ).

2. Verified add-on not running. Do sh tasks or simply a tell command to task (e.g. tell ontime version).

3. Confirmed no one using databases or templates. Performed dbcache flush to let go of file handles.

4a. Moved old templates from the server to a folder outside the ../domino/data folder structure (e.g. mv ontime*.ntf /local/tmp )
4b. Copied the new templates to the server and put them into the old OnTime folder (e.g. OnTimeGC). Signed them with the server's ID. (Files tab --> Right click --> Sign)

5a. Moved old nOnTimeGC.exe from ../domino executable program folder to the temp folder.
Note: If the file is locked even after the task is quit, shut down the Domino services.
5b. Moved the new nOnTimeGC.exe to the server.
5c. Removed the OnTimeGC ontimefolderlocation\OnTimeMYAPP.nsf, task from the ServerTasks= line of the notes.ini

6. Copied the old calconn.nsf (GC Configuration App), ontimedis.nsf to the temp folder.
Do not copy resrc8.nsf and resrc8_log.nsf. Those are part of Meeting Manager, not Group Calendar.

This completed the uninstall and part of the install. At this point we followed the rest of the instructions for installing the new 3.5r4 version of Group Calendar.

Install Steps:
1. Create new Group Calendar configuration app.
- Use the template ontimegc.ntf - OnTime(R) Group Calendar - Config ver. 3.5.x.
- Uncheck the Inherit future design changes option before clicking OK.
- After it is created update the ACL and give yourself the Admin role (since not checked by default).

2. Set the License in the new config app:
- Open the application. (If you see the about page, click the "Open Database" link.)
- Click the Key icon at the top of the license box which is in the lower left corner of the screen. In the dialog box, paste in the key received, click OK to save the key.
- Reopen the application (it automatically closes), and verify the key is in the lower corner.

3. Create the Global Configuration document.
- Click the Global Settings view link.
- Since no global settings document yet, exists a new empty one will be automatically started (popped-up) for us.
- Make the following changes:
a. Update the Members field if changing the default everyone wildcard *.
b. Click the Multi Domain checkbox if you wish to extend members to additional secondary Domino Directories in Directory Assistance (da.nsf).
c. Update the Base Options field, Directory of Templates field to the folder where the templates were moved (e.g. OnTimeGC).
- Click Save & Close.

4. Create the Server Settings document for the primary server. (These instructions assume we have everything on a single server.)
- Click the Server Settings view link.
- Click the Add Server button on the action bar.
- Make the following additions to the top section:
a. Add the current server as the Synchronization Server.
b. Add the current server to the Servers being monitored for synchronization field.
Note: Assuming the current server is also a mail server. This field should contain all mail servers for Group Calendaring application.
c. Under the API Database heading, update the Filepath field (e.g. OnTimeGC\calconnApi.nsf).
d. Under the Log Database heading, update the Log db. filename field (e.g. OnTimeGC\calconnLog.nsf).
e. Under the Broadcast Database heading, update the Log db. filename field (e.g. OnTimeCC\calconnBroadcast.nsf).
Note: Don't worry they don't exist yet. They'll get created when we save this document.
- Click Save & Close.
- Three times you'll be asked if you want to create each of the databases above (steps c, d, and e). Answer Yes for each.

5. Install the Group Calendar task (OnTimeGC.exe) in Windows.
Note: If using Linux, see the manual instructions to install the script/program.
- Leaving this application open, under the Server --> Status tabs, choose Server Console. Click the Live button so you can watch the commands below execute and watch for any Resource settings errors or any other errors.
- Back in the Server Settings view, click the OnTimeGC Commands category of commands, and choose the -Load- one.
Note: This will also add the task back into the notes.ini.
- Back in the Server console tab, watch the console.
- Still in the Server Settings view, click the OnTimeGC Commands category of commands, and choose the Admin one.
- Back in the Server console tab, watch the console.
- Still in the Server Settings view, click the OnTimeGC Commands category of commands, and choose the FullSync one.
- Back in the Server console tab, watch the console.

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