Domino 9 Installation w/ Linux Required Libraries and Special Notes for 32bit to 64bit Upgrades

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 02/22/2013 at 12:03 PM


Domino Upgrades / Installations
Software Installation

When installing Domino 9 64-bit on 64-bit Linux, some 32-bit libraries seem to be still required for the GUI (non console) installation. The install will display an error with the following packages, or similar, if they are missing:

To run this installer you need 32-bit (i686) packages installed on your 64 bit Linux <distro>.
They are not installed by default, but are mandatory. The installer will exit after this message.

Install w/yum:
# yum install libXtst- libXmu-1.0.5-1.el6.i686 libXp-1.0.0-15.1.el6.i686 libXft-2.1.13-4.1.el6.i686 libXi-1.3-3.el6.i686 libstdc++.i686
You can also instruct Yum to always install 32bit and 64bit packages rather than just 64bit ones.
Add the following line to /etc/yum.conf:

This is also required if you have to run 32-Domino instead because of an add-on still being 32-bit. This way you'll get both sets installed and when you later go to upgrade to 64-bit versions of Domino and the add-on product, the libraries will already be there.

Migrating a /local/notesdata from 32-bit Domino to 64-bit IBM (Lotus) Domino?
This is valid when you are both moving form 32-bit OS w/32-bit Domino, or 64-bit OS w/32-bit Domino, to 64-bit Domino.

Perform the following:
1. Before you start:
a. Update your notes.ini to include the Create_R9_Databases=1 so that the compact calls below also have the added bonus of updating your ODS.
b. Verify the last back-up is available for restore.
c. Note the location of your program directory (e.g. /opt/ibm/notes/)

2. Run the 64-bit Domino installer for your distro.
The installer will uninstall the existing 32-bit Domino first. You can also uninstall and then re-install, if you desire.
The data folder (e.g. /local/notesdata) will remain the same. Enter the same program directory as before so you don't have to manually update the notes.ini.

3. Install the latest FP (fix pack) and IF (interim fix), as applicable / desired.

4. Run maintenance on your core system apps:
You can run multiple instances of these. So start up several command shell windows. (Make sure you are the notes user if on Linux.)
$ cd /local/notesdata/
$ /opt/ibm/notes/bin/fixup names.nsf -F
$ /opt/ibm/notes/bin/fixup admin4.nsf -F
$ /opt/ibm/notes/bin/fixup log.nsf -F
$ /opt/ibm/notes/bin/fixup domlog.nsf -F
(If you are using transactions logs, use J flag, instead for each fixup command)

When these are done for each (assuming you did each command in a separate terminal window), proceed to the compacts.
$ /opt/ibm/notes/bin/compact names.nsf -c
$ /opt/ibm/notes/bin/compact admin4.nsf -c
$ /opt/ibm/notes/bin/compact log.nsf -c
$ /opt/ibm/notes/bin/compact domlog.nsf -c

When these are done for each (in each terminal window), proceed to the view and full-text index rebuilds.
$ /opt/ibm/notes/bin/updall names.nsf -X
$ /opt/ibm/notes/bin/updall admin4.nsf -X
$ /opt/ibm/notes/bin/updall log.nsf -X
$ /opt/ibm/notes/bin/updall domlog.nsf -X
$ /opt/ibm/notes/bin/updall names.nsf -R
$ /opt/ibm/notes/bin/updall admin4.nsf -R
$ /opt/ibm/notes/bin/updall log.nsf -R
$ /opt/ibm/notes/bin/updall domlog.nsf -R

5. Start the Domino server manually. (Make sure you are the notes user if on Linux.)
$ cd /local/notesdata/
$ /opt/ibm/notes/bin/server

Once the server checks the apps against transaction logs or checks them for corruption, it will prompt you to update the design of the Domino Directory.
Answer y (yes) and click the <enter> button to proceed with the design update.
Do you want to upgrade the design of your address book? This replaces the standard forms and views with the ones from the template.(Yes/No).

Once the server finishes the design update, it will actually start it's normal running duties.
Type q to have the Domino server shutdown. Then restart as a service like you normally do.

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