Domino Server Won't Start After Changing Service to Log In As User

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 02/17/2016 at 06:40 PM


Domino Server Issues Troubleshooting
Server Console

Background and Issue:
Domino was installed on a new MS Windows 2008 R2 server. The notes.ini and existing Domino data folders, from the old MS Windows 2003 server, were "swung" to the new server. The server was upgraded to the new 64 bit release and latest fix pack. The Domino server service was started and ran successfully for a day.

On the second day, it was necessary to switch the Domino service to run as a specific AD user account, for regulatory audit reasons. The server was given Full Control access rights to the Domino system folder and the Domino data folder and sub folders. The server was also explicitly given access to the system temp folders and the Full Control access to the custom drive used for view index updates and rebuilds.

However, once the service login change was made, the server would not no longer start. It was noticed that no one added an entry to the local administrators group. It was added, but the server still would not start. Taskmgr did not show any Domino tasks or Tivoli backup tasks running. Server would also not run as an application. The first time an error message was written to the console log. All further attempts to run server resulted in nothing in the console log file.

The error messages to the system Event log is are always the same:
"Could not start the IBM Domino Server service" ... "Error 1067: The process terminated unexpectedly."

1. Switch both the IBM Domino Diagnostic and IBM Domino Server services from Automatic to Manual.
2. Delete the ~notes.lck file from the Domino directory.
3. Reboot MS Windows
4. Setup IBM Domino Server service to use the AD account user ID.
5. Reboot MS Windows again (not sure if this second reboot was necessary).
6. Set both the IBM Domino Diagnostic and IBM Domino Server services to Automatic.
7. Start the IBM Domino Diagnostic (NSD) service.
8. Start the IBM Domino Server service.

Confirm that Domino has started okay.

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