Error Connecting To Server When Server Is Itself

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 03/05/2006 at 09:30 PM


Domino Server Issues Troubleshooting
Mail Routing

To troubleshoot mail routing issue, you have changed the TCPIP ports (server document, ports tab) names to the fully qualified, "outside", address. Afterwards, the server cannot find itself when doing a Trace from the console. The trace lists the correct found address in the local hosts file but then uses DNS instead.

In addition, agents that send mail are dying with error 4000 series errors with "ambiguous" error or "cannot connect to server" errors.

When the server is behind a firewall, do NOT set the TCPIP ports name to the fully qualified external domain as the documentation or Lotus Support will incorrectly tell you to do. Leave it alone! If you did change it, put the ports name back to the internal DNS name of the server behind the firewall as in the "internal" company DNS or hardcoded into the hosts file.

Do not let Lotus support tell you this is wrong. The server WILL still answer as it is configured in the server doc basic tab, and in the SMTP internet sites documents for the server. eg.

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