Login to sametime chat works fine w/in embedded Sametime Client (in Notes client). However when you start a chat, the following appears:

Initializing chat.
Resolving user name(s)
(1 of 1)
Solution A:
If only affecting one user, this problem is probably one with miss-matched server names between the local configuration and the person document.
The person document and the location document do not have the same name -- they do not match. Update the name in the incorrect document to the correct value.
(Note this should sync automatically, but if you have more than one workstation w/out roaming, this can be a common issue if Sametime servers are changed in Person documents. The "first" Notes client updates correctly, but the "second" (and so on) do not.
Solution B:
If affecting large groups of people, or everyone on the server, then the issue is likely a server side issue with the ST Resolve / STMux task/service which does Name Lookups on the server.
This can also be reported from the users as:
- long time for login
- quick find not working
- cannot add contacts individually or by group
- cannot initiate chat
- inconsistent awareness where some users who are logged in are not aware of other users or that user cannot be seen by other users
Things to look for...
- The ST Mux task may be pegged at 100%. on the Sametime server.
- The nlnotes.exe task may be pegged on the Notes w/ ST client.
Provisioning an appropriate cache size enables Domino to minimize actual directory queries.To adjust the amount of memory cached sett the notes.ini parameter NLCACHE_SIZE.
(64 mb)
To determine if your NameLookupCache is large enough, compare:
Database.NAMELookupCacheMaxSize with Database.NAMELookupCachePool.Peak with Database.NAMELookupCachePool.Used.
To show database.namelookup stats enter the following on the Domino console:
show stat database.namelookup*
- Use local replicas of all Directory Assistance databases.
- Make sure all directories have Full-text (FT) Indexes.
Resource issues were fixed with the following:
Notes: upgrade to 6.5.5 CCH1, 7.0 CCH1 or 7.0.1.
There was a hotfix available for for 6.5.3 and 6.5.4 (which is now sunset).
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