Install a Demo RocketChat Docker Instance on Photon 4

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 01/03/2023 at 08:00 PM



Installation of Rocket.Chat on Photon 4

This is a demo set-up only. Make sure that you extend these instructions with persistent storage and security.

Installation/Set-up of Photon OS:
1. Create a new VM (example)
- 2 vCPU
- 4 GB RAM
- 16 GB Disk

2. Set boot to CDROM
VM --> Edit Settings (action)--> VM Options (tab) --> Boot Options (heading/twistie)
Force BIOS setup option: check/select: During the next boot, force entry into the BIOS setup screen
Click OK.

VM --> Edit Settings (action)--> Virtual Hardware (tab) --> CD/DVD drive 1 (heading/twistie)--> Change from Client Device to Datastore ISO File, navigate to the desired installation ISO.
e.g. photon-minimal-4.0.iso
Click OK.

VM --> Power --> Power On

3. Open Remote Console, and perform the BIOS change and Installation:
In the BiOS settings, change to the Boot Options tab and move CDROM above Disk.
Save and Exit.

Upon the reboot, click TAB to accept the preselected INSTALL selection.
Follow the prompts, setup the network with DHCP or static as desired.

Set the root password and confirm. The installation will take about 30 to 40 seconds.

After the reboot, disconnect the CDROM.
VM --> Edit Settings (action)--> Virtual Hardware (tab) --> CD/DVD drive 1 (heading/twistie)--> Change from Datastore ISO File back to Client Device.
Click OK.

4. Install Docker-Compose:
a. Login as the root user.

b. Update the system:
root@vmname { ~ ]# tdnf update
< Y, to confirm, and wait>

c: View the docker version already installed:
root@vmname { ~ ]# docker --version
Docker version 20.10.14, build a224086

d. Install docker-compose:
root@vmname { ~ ]# tdnf install docker-compose
< Y, to confirm, and wait>

root@vmname { ~ ]# docker-compose --version
Docker Compose version 2.11.0

5. Add a new user and give sudo rights:
a. Create the user and add give sudo:
root@vmname { ~ ]# useradd -m -G sudo myadminid
<nothing is output if successful>

b. Give myadminid a password:
root@vmname { ~ ]# passwd myadminid
New password: <enter password>
Retype new password: <enter password>
passwd: password updated successfully

Use myadminid for remote SSH access - root is block via the sshd-config.

6. Open up port 3000 for
Photon OS uses IPTables.
root@vmname { ~ ]# iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 3000 -j ACCEPT
root@vmname { ~ ]# iptables-save > /etc/systemd/scripts/ip4save

7. Updates /etc/hosts
root@vmname { ~ ]# vi /etc/hosts
- add a new line with the server IP and it's domain
e.g. mychatserver

8. Enable docker as service
root@vmname { ~ ]# systemctl enable docker
root@vmname { ~ ]# systemctl start docker
root@vmname { ~ ]# systemctl status docker
< confirm running okay>

Installation of Rocket Chat:
1. Get the sample compose file and customize:
root@vmname { ~ ]# cd /home/myadminid/tmp/
root@vmname { ~ ]# curl -L -O
root@vmname { ~ ]# vi compose.yml
- change the latest to a version number, e.g. 5.4.1
- update the deploy platform to linux
- update the domain to the FQDN of the server

2. Start the containers:
root@vmname { ~ ]# docker-compose up -d

3. Perform the initial set-up.

4. Perform Settings --> LDAP set-up.

5. Perform Settings --> Email --> SMTP for email secondary authentication.

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