Saving Meeting Has Error "An error occurred while saving: Type mismatch"

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 08/28/2012 at 10:58 AM


Using Lotus Notes
Issue Troubleshooting

User's mail file suffered corruption. Design was auto-replaced/fixed with nightly Design run or manually w/File --> Application --> Replace Design. However, now when the user creates a calendar meeting with a room reservation, the following error is displayed after the conflict checking. The calendar document is not saved.
"An error occurred while saving: Type mismatch"

If the interface has any remaining corruption, do a replace design to the the mail template. Optionally run fixup if needed.

To fix the error message, there is corruption in the CalendarProfile profile document. You can try opening and saving the calendar preferences via:
More (view button) --> Preferences --> Calendar & To Do (tab) --> Rooms & Resources (tab) and then click OK in the corner.

Try creating a new calendar meeting with a room reservation. If this doesn't fix the issue, then next clear all the fields in the Room & Resources tab and re-save by clicking OK.

Try again. If it is still broken, we need to remove the CalendarProfile profile document. The profile is deleted using the delete CalendarProfile code (in this support reference application or search Note that all current values will be lost in the preferences. They will need to be set-up again.

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