Setting Custom New Mail Sound

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 08/26/1999 at 07:51 PM


Using Lotus Notes
Changing Preferences

In Notes 6.x and 7.x, a custom mail sound can be set via Mail preferences within User Preferences.
1. File --> Preferences --> User Preferences
2. Mail tab --> General sub tab
3. Under heading "When New Mail Arrives", click the check box to play a sound. Click the browse button and find a cool sound.

You can also optionally select to show a popup message, system tray icon, and automatically refresh the inbox.
Desktop policies set by Notes administrators can restrict access for users to adjust their user preferences. If you cannot change one of these options, contact your Lotus administrator and/or Help Desk.
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From IRIS newsletter online:

Tired of the "blip" that announces new mail? Users of Windows NT and Windows 95 can personalize their mail alert with a favorite sound file. You must have speakers and a sound card installed.

Before you start, find a sound file. The Windows Media directory should contain several .WAV files. You can search for sites on the Internet that contain public domain collections of sound files. Common sound file extensions are .WAV, or .MIDI.

      Find your NOTES.INI file. Make sure it is the one that is being used. You may have several versions in different directories so delete them and put the latest one in \notes\data directory.

      2. Double-click on the NOTES.INI file to open it.

      3. Add the following line to the end of the NOTES.INI file:


      For example,


      4. Restart your machine and send mail to yourself to hear the new sound.

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