Creating Anchor Link (Target) in Notes Documents

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 04/19/2011 at 07:30 PM


Notes Developer Tips

You are working on long documents. You would like to have anchor tags like those on web sites so you can jump to specific sections of the same page or a different one.

1. Create the target anchor link:
a. Open a Notes document in Edit mode.
b. Put the cursor next to the text/spot where you want the target anchor to go.
c. Under the Menu, choose Edit --> Copy As --> Anchor Link.
d. In the pop-up naming dialog, enter a short name for the anchor, click OK. You now have a box with a red dot that's your anchor.
Note: You cannot see the box when in read mode.

2. Create the hyperlink/hotspot.
a. If you want an icon to click on for the link:
a1. Put the cursor next to the text/spot where you want the link to click.
a2. Under the Menu, choose Edit --> Copy As --> Paste.

b. If you want text to be the link to click:
b1. Highlight the text to be the link.
b2. Create Hotspot --> Link Hotspot.

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