Function PopulateLists(pDoc As NotesDocument) As Integer
' returns 1 for success
' populates arrays from profile doc used for filtering
' arrays are globally dimmed
Dim counter As Integer ' counter for building lists/arrays
Dim pItem As NotesItem ' list item in pDoc
On Error Goto FErrorHandler
' build list
Set pItem=pDoc.GetFirstItem("P_LstFld")
If (pItem Is Nothing) Then
' quit
Print "(PopulateLists) Error: Unable to build File Extension list. Cannot Continue."
Exit Function
End If
Forall listvalue In pItem.Values
Redim Preserve fileextlist(counter) As String
fileextlist(counter) = Cstr(listvalue)
counter=counter + 1
End Forall
' return success
Exit Function
Dim errormsg As String ' error msg to return to user
errormsg = "Marker: " & whereami & "(PopulateLists) Info: " & Str(Err) & ": " & Error$ & " on line: " & Cstr(Erl)
Print errormsg
End Function
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