Setting Display Name for Outgoing SMTP/External Names/Emails

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 09/19/2017 at 12:53 AM


Domino Upgrades / Installations
Software (Re)Configuration

How to set the display name for e-mails leaving the local Domino Domain to the Internet so that ...
"John Doe" <>

Solution A:
1. Domino Admin Client --> Open <server> --> Configuration (tab) --> Configurations twistie (on left) --> <this server> Configuration Settings (document on right) --> Conversions (tab) --> Local part formed from (field)
2. Change the field option to "Full name".
3. Click Save / Close.
4. Restart router task or tell router update config in console.

Solution B:
Edit the user's location document on their workstation.
1. File --> Preferences --> Locations (left menu in pop-up) --> Online location (hightlighed) --> Edit (button) --> Basics (tab) --> Internet Mail Address (field)
2. Change e-mail address from to "John Doe" <>.
3. Click Save/OK (to close location).
4. Click OK to close Preferences dialog window.

Note: This option seems to override the global option in Solution A.

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