Lotus Domino 8 / Domino 8.5 Upgrade Pre-Installation and Upgrade Notes

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 01/30/2009 at 12:09 PM


Domino Upgrades / Installations
Software Upgrade

Steps and Upgrade Notes for Domino 8.x

Upgrade Order:
1. Upgrade the Notes Client / Admin Client to 8.x first.

2. Upgrade the Domino server which is the Administrative Server for the Domino Directory, names.nsf. (See advanced properties of the ACL.)
2b. After upgrade, do following:
- Add notes.ini parameter: Create_R85_Databases=1, to use new ODS and utilize new compression features.
- In console run the compact task to upgrade the databases' ODS: compact -c <database name>
- If upgrading from 6.5x, also run the updall command to update the view and full-text indexes.

3. Replicate the new/updated Domino Directory to the other Domino 6.5 or Domino 7 servers.

4. Upgrade your mail/replication hub servers next, if you have them.
4b. After upgrade, do following:
- Add notes.ini parameter: Create_R85_Databases=1, to use new ODS and utilize new design compression and folder optimization features.
- In console run the compact task to upgrade the databases' ODS: compact -c <database name>
- If upgrading from 6.5x or upgrading the ODS, also run the updall command to update the view and full-text indexes.

5. Upgrade your mail servers next (Notes Routing and SMTP).
5b. After upgrade, do following:
- Add notes.ini parameter: Create_R85_Databases=1, to use new ODS and utilize new design compression and folder optimization features.
- In console run the compact task to upgrade the databases' ODS: compact -c <database name>
- If upgrading from 6.5x or upgrading the ODS, also run the updall command to update the view and full-text indexes.

6. Upgrade your application servers next (Notes and Web).
6b. After upgrade, do following:
- Add notes.ini parameter: Create_R85_Databases=1, to use new ODS and utilize new design compression and folder optimization features.
- In console run the compact task to upgrade the databases' ODS: compact -c <database name>
- If upgrading from 6.5x or upgrading the ODS, also run the updall command to update the view and full-text indexes.

7. Upgrade your "companion" servers (e.g. Sametime & Quickr) next.
Note: You commonly have to wait a little while after a new release for an updated version of Sametime or Quickr to be release for the new platform.

8. Upgrade your "third-party" servers (e.g. BES, etc.) next.
Note: Wait to upgrade until they have a supported version for the new Domino release.

9. Upgrade your users to the Notes 8 Standard or Notes 8 Basic clients.
For compatibility during the client upgrade see this IBM technote:
You can do the clients as/before your servers. Just don't upgrade the mail files.

9b. Upgrade your users' mail files to the new release using the load convert command/tasks.
load compact mail/ -c
load convert mail/*.nsf * mail85.ntf
load convert -u mail/*.nsf * mail85.ntf
(-u = upgrades folders to new inbox design, -r = recursive through subfolders, -f = specify specific mailfile to upgrade)

Note: The Standard client is the new full-featured client that supports Composite applications. However, expect to upgrade client machines to at least 1.5 Gb ram for the users to be "happy" with the performance. The Notes 8 Standard client uses around 250mb RAM. For the typical Microsoft XP user with a full "icon tray" and who likes to have a browser and a few documents and spreadsheets open, they are going to need 1.5 Gb ram minimum, 2 to 3 Gb preferably. For the Basic 8 clients, the existing hardware footprint should be fine.

10. Upgrade your Developer clients.

Other Notes:
Upgrade checklist for iSeries:

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