Domino 7 / Domino 8 Installation Guides for iSeries

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 01/04/2009 at 05:46 PM


Domino Upgrades / Installations
Software Installation

Domino 9 Installation / Upgrade on iSeries

- Installation is available via DVD install, running setup.exe from workstation, or RSTLICPGM command.
- Installation is done via commands; enter the command and press <enter>. Alternately, you can press <F4> for details on the command from the iSeries help.
- Installation occurs and then Domino servers are upgraded assuming the Domino release is "multi-version capability". Otherwise, it will upgrade / update all the Domino servers of that previous code stream.

Verify the WRKDOMSVR has no interactive jobs running.

Verify the WRKOBJLCK shows no locks from the WRKDOMSVR group.

Change the QVFYOBJRST variable from 1 to 3, so that we can soft fail on the install signature, as needed.

Note: After the install of Domino, you can change it back, with:

Check for any options installed with the Domino server(s):

Backups done?

Domino 9.0.x runs on IBM iSeries i 6.1 or i 7.1. If you are installing to Power 5 iSeries models, you will need to a do a "program conversion". See:

As of 10/2016, please note the i software version and Domino upgrades available:
If you are running i V5R4 / 5.4, you can upgrade from Domino 6.5.x, 7.0.x, 8.x, 9.0.x, when you slip install to i 6.1 or i 7.1.
If you are running i 6.1, you can upgrade 7.0.3, 8.x, to 9.0.x.
If you are running i 7.1, you can upgrade Domino 8.5.1 and later to 9.0.x.
If you are running a release previous to 5.4, you must upgrade to 5.4 before upgrading from Domino 6.5.x or 7.x.

If you use the Operations Manager / iSeries Navigator, you may need to upgrade the Domino plug-in between major releases. This is needed for the remote installation from workstation.
iSeries Access Components: AS/400 Integration option - Lotus Domino plug-in. (Option 1 of the Domino for AS/400 software, option 10 Domino 8 and higher.)

Instructions for upgrading the Domino plug-in:
- (MS Windows) Start (button) --> IBM iSeries Access - iSeries Access Properties
- In this window, select the Administration System tab. Change the server to the iSeries hardware server with the current Domino software installed that's going to be upgraded.
- Assuming there are plug-ins to update on the server, click the Apply button.
- Repeat for any other iSeries server (hardware).

Skip the following section if the Domino plugin was installed. If it didn't get upgraded, you probably don't have Check Version running automatically. Do the following instead:
- Start Check Version, if not started automatically.
- (MS Windows) Start (button) --> IBM iSeries Access - Service - Check Service Pack Level
- - Read any messages. You can ignore safely only messages where the server is at an earlier level than your client.
- - Follow instructions for applying updates for the iSeries Navigator plug-ins.
Note: Check Version copies the plug-in files to the current workstation. You still have to follow the instructions for installing the plug-ins on the client once copied. Follow the prompts.

- Update the servers with the new plug-in(s) installed on the client.
- (MS Windows) Start (button) --> IBM iSeries Access - iSeries Access Properties
- In this window, select the Administration System tab. Change the server to the server with the current Domino software installed that's going to be upgraded.
- Click the Apply button to install the new plug-in(s) installed on the client, onto the selected server.
- Repeat for any other iSeries server (hardware).

Instructions for Installing the Domino plug-in:
- If you are missing the Domino plug-in, you can install it via the iSeries Navigator.
- File --> Install Options --> Install Plug-ins
- Choose iSeries server box where you are installing / upgrading the Domino software. Click the OK button.

Stop the server(s)
> WRKDOMSVR --> Option 6
> ENDDOMSVR(myservername)

If you are running directory sync services, end with:
> call qnotesint/qnndiend

Verify all Domino servers work server jobs are now shutdown / not active:
> WRKDOMSVR --> choose Option 9

Services should show an *ENDED status.

1A. Install from DVD:
After the CD/DVD is installed, enter the following (assuming your optical device name is *opt):
> LODRUN DEV(*opt) DIR('/os400/')

Follow the standard prompts, to read the license and perform the software installation.

1B. Install from an admin workstation, using iSeries Navigator
Upgrade the Domino for iSeries Navigator plugin if you have not already done it. (See above).

1. If the Domino download set-up is a ZIP. Download the compressed file to the admin client workstation, and unzip the "web-kit" file.
2. In the iSeries Navigator's Environment: My Connections window, click/expand the iSeries server.
3. Click/Expand Network.
4. Right-click Servers, choose Install and Configure Domino
5. Using the wizard, locate the installation folder in step #1 above, and following the window prompts.
6. Once the InstallShield install program is done, you'll have the option to run the Domino Server Setup Wizard. We don't need to do that for upgrades - decline it.

If you get a network communication error, make sure the NetServer is started. (My Connections --> Network --> Servers - TCP/IP --> NetServer (started) )

2. After installation, verify the new Domino version is installed:
Perform 2a, if continuing locally on the server. Choose 2b, if performing within the iSeries Navigator.

2a. If you are checking locally on the server. . .

For example, for Domino 9.0.1, you would see something like this:
5733LD9 *BASE 5050 IBM Domino 9.0
5733LD9 *BASE 2924 IBM Domino 9.0
5733LD9 1 5050 IBM Domino 9.0: C API
5733LD9 11 5050 IBM Domino 9.0: Release 9.0.1
5733LD9 11 2924 IBM Domino 9.0: Release 9.0.1
You would also see a *BASE option for components comment to Domino 9.0 and 9.0.1. The *BASE option was actually installed "first". It's common to all the installed 9.x Domino family of software.
Please also note that the C API is not multi-version (that I've ever seen). The current release would be across all the Domino server instances on this iSeries box.

Using the product ID, run a verify check:

2b. If you are still in the iSeries Navigator . . .
- Expand Servers, and select the iSeries server just updated (My Connections --> Network --> Servers --> <myiSeriesserver> )
- Choose Configuration and Service --> Software --> Installed Products
- Review the Product and Release columns to confirm the installation.
(The sample output is above in 2a.)

3a. Upgrade existing server(s):
Assuming this passes (which is typically does), you are ready to actually upgrade the Domino instances installed.
You can upgrade to latest (*LATEST) or a specific version ('9.0.1'), etc. For this example, we will upgrade to latest full release and then Fix Pack (FP).
> QDOMINO901/UPDDOMSVR SERVER(myservername) TORLS('9.0.1')

3b. Configure/Install a new server:
> QDOMINO901/CFGDOMSVR SERVER(mynewdominoservername)

The release of Domino to configure is the last 3 digits of the installation / configuration command.
900 = 9.0.0
901 = 9.0.1

3c. Remove an old server:

4. Start the upgraded / newly configured server:
> WRKDOMSVR --> Option 1

The selected server's status should change from *ENDED to *STARTING. If you are upgrading from a major release (e.g. 8.x to 8.5x, or 8.5x to 9.0x, or 9.0.0.x to 9.0.1.x), the server WILL GET STUCK and stay starting. It is waiting on you to accept the upgrade of the design of the directory.

Open the Domino Console, by either:
> WRKDOMSVR --> Option 5
> DSPDOMCSL myservername

Press the Y key to answer Yes to upgrade the Domino directory and continue starting the server.

5. Post Install duties:
Shutdown the Domino server while doing these . . .
Stop the server(s)
WRKDOMSVR --> Option 6

5a. Check the Java version.
Remove the old Java 6 Home, JAVA_HOME= option if present in the notes.ini.

5b. Remove the old / previous ODS versions and add the current one.
Remove Create_R8_Databases=1 or Create_R85_Databases=1 entries in the notes.ini. Replace with:

Now you can compact the system apps/dbs before the Domino server is restarted. (If server is running, stop it before running these below.)

5c. Increase the console log maximum size from the default 1KB to the desired amount for your research of events or troubleshooting.
IBM recommends 100 to 1000 KB.
console_log_max_kbytes= 100
Alternately, if you see no value in using them, turn it off:
console_log_enabled = 0

5d. Remove DECS if not being used:

If using DECS, you have to upgrade the DECS Administrator app after restarting the new upgraded / updated Domino instance (server).

5e. Restart your Domino instance(s).
WRKDOMSVR --> Option 1


Domino 8 Admin Guide:

Domino 7 old resources:
Two helpful links from Lotus on iSeries installation and "multiversioning":

Domino 6 for iSeries Multiversioning Guide:
Note that although it is marked for Domino 6, the data is good for releases
6, 7 and 8. It's marked for "Domino 6" because 6 is when multiversioning
was introduced.

Domino 7 for iSeries Implementation Guide:
The information in the Domino 7 guide on creating the servers and operating
them will be largely the same, this will get you by until the Domino 8
implementation guide is released.

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