The Community Services Directory Services of Sametimes runs with the rights of the signed agent --Usually signed by the server, or a special admininstrative ID created for signing agents. This agent is what the directory services runs to populate the browse lists.
This means that if you have customized the user subforms in the Domino Directory and added readers fields, these are probably bypassed, and users can now see those accounts that are normally hidden to them. If this is an issue, the following workarounds may be an option for you:
1. Create a Sametime signing ID that still has rights to run on the server, but is not in a group that is specified as a reader.
2. Try having the agent run with rights as user. NOTE: This did not work for me. It seems that most users don't have enough rights to run this agent successfully.
3. If you don't need the users being able to browse the Directory, turn off the Directory Service. See this doclink for more info: 
4. Set the Sametime Server with it's own Domino Domain but certified with same organization certifier. The configure the server to use Directory services and only bring over people or groups you wish to bring over for users to "see". See this doclink for more info:
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