Traveler Misc Notes

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 01/19/2010 at 03:27 PM


Domino Upgrades / Installations

Software Requirements:
Windows 2003 32bit and 64bit
Windows 2008 32bit and 64bit
Domino 8.5.1
Mailfile templates 6.5-8.x supported
Mail server must be 7.02 or higher. (Traveler server does not have to have mail files on it.)

64bit os with 64bit domino recommended for >400 users per box as memory can go greater than 2Gb.

Network Requirements:
HTTP & HTTPS (80 & 443)
Windows Mobile and Nokia:
HTTP, HTTPS, and optional SMS channel, auto-sync channel (80 & 443 & 8642).

Remote Test:
In Domino console, type trace <servername>, to test that Traveler server can reach each mail server when mailfiles are remote. Even if you create local replicas on the Traveler server, this gives you a "fuzzy" that your replication will work.

For scalability, it is recommended that Traveler not be on the mail server(s). That way Traveler's only job is to support as many mobile devices as possible.

Cross Domain:
You can run Traveler in a different Domino Domain. Requirements:
1. Connectivity. (same as above)
2. Server ID is cross-certified if also a different Organization.
3. Target mail servers have the Traveler server in the Access Server field on Server.
4. Setup DA (Directory Assistance) so that Traveler can get home mail server and path from user Person documents. (Can also do a Directory Catalog.)
5. Recommend Desktop Settings/Policies to assign various settings. Otherwise, you have to set up the security settings for each Domain separately.

Traveler cannot be clustered itself. However, if a mail server is down that is a cluster member, it will get mail/calendar from the other cluster member for a user.

Install Options:
1. Complete - installs Traveler server (services) and the Lotus Notes Traveler client software.
2. Server only - installs only the server component
3. Web Site Only - installs only the Lotus Notes Traveler client software. This software is required to provision Windows Mobile and Nokia Series 60 devices. No software is actually needed/installed for Apple devices. They typically just use the bootstrap auto-generated profile.

Users access Traveler service using URL:
They then select their software option. Alternately setup this URL as the default site for the server and then you can just use the server's hostname.

Security Settings:
You can modify individual settings documents in the view:
Admin client --> Open Traveler server --> Messaging tab --> Mail tab --> Traveler Device Settings twistie --> Device Security view.

You can modify by policy (Lotus Traveler Settings document). The twisite populates because it detects the LotusTraveler.nsf application exists.

Device Settings:
Device settings can be updated via Traveler settings in policies and device settings documents on the Traveler server. The device settings are set/refreshed when the phone initially registers to the Traveler server. Changes are pushed to a device the next time the device communicates.
Admin client --> Open Traveler server --> Messaging tab --> Mail tab --> Traveler Device Settings twistie --> Device Settings view.
Note: If you do not have the Traveler Twistie, you are not managing your Traveler server. Switch to the Traveler server.

Open the desired settings document. There are 3 main tabs: Basics, Preferences, and Assignment.
The Preferences tab has sub tabs: Sync (turn on and off), Filter Settings (how much to push), Device Settings (logging & battery), and Security Settings (password/pin settings.)

If you are NOT using an Apple device, you can switch the Network from TCP to SMS e-mail address. This will allow the auto-sync to send updates without keeping a constant TCP connection.

Wipe Device:
Admin client --> Open Traveler server --> Messaging tab --> Mail tab --> Traveler Device Settings twistie --> Device Security view.
Open the user's device document. Select the Wipe Device action. Choose one of the following options:
Hard Reset Device (factory defaults)
Lotus Notes Traveler Application and Data (remove Traveler application which will clear calendar and e-mail on device)
Storage Card (removes any data on the SIM card in the device.)

Other Notes:
NTS_AUTO_CONFIG=false in notes.ini - set if you do not want traveler to automatically configure the HTTP service upon startup. With this setting, you will have to manually start the HTTP server.

Traveler Lookup Notes:
- uses LDAP and only includes users not groups as of 8.5.1
- default search results = 25
- characters before search default = 4
- default searching matches partial names and performs exhaustive lookups on all directories in DA on the Traveler server.

Changing Maximum Search Results Returned
- Change MaxResults=25 variable/property in \data\traveler\cfg\namelookupTemplate\nameLookup-AS.xslt.

Changing Search Type-ahead:
- Change namelookupminlength=4 variable in \data\ file

This variable is part of initArgs which is a comma separated list of variables and their values.

Changing Field Mapping:
- Change nameLookupItems property in \data\traveler\cfg\NTSConfig.xml.
(Note that Active Sync is limited to which fields it pulls from the directory. It's mapping is in /data/travler/cfg/namelookupTemplate/nameLookup-AS.xslt file.)

Search Resolution "Behavior"
- 40 (default) = match partial names and do exhaustive search of all directories for matches
- 32 = no partial match of names, but search exhaustively across all directories rather than just first match
- 8 = match partial name, but return only first value found
- 0 = exact match only, and return first value (stops search after first value)

Reset Procedure
> tell traveler show myuser
(this spits out summary status that shows the device on-line and that it's connected to mail file, but that's it)

> tell traveler dump myuser
(Optional, useful for troubleshooting. This spits out a status file. Location: .../Domino/data/traveler/logs)

> tell traveler reset * myuser
(This does reset of connection between Traveler and all devices for user myuser from Traveler's perspective. To reset just one one device you have to enter that devices long code in place of the *.)

Send Traveler Users Messages via SMS / Text Messaging:
If you want to send your Traveler users an alert, you can store the user's text message address in one of the Personal e-mail fields rarely used on the Person doc and use that to send e-mails. Use the 10 US digit phone number with the carrier's domain suffix. The suffix domain for the text message depends on the carrier. Limit your text to around 80 to 120 characters. With Verizon the current limit, at writing, is 140 characters. Below is a list of the carriers we have know or have used:
For Verizon users, email:
Sprint PCS:
US Cellular:

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