FTP Using Windows FTP Command Prompt

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 01/08/2010 at 12:01 AM


General Web Tips

You need to FTP something. IE isn't working (no shock there) and the computer has no other FTP software installed. Installing a GUI client isn't an option.

Windows still doesn't have a real FTP client. (IE doesn't cut it.)
You can however do it via command prompt still. (Yes, in Windows 7, too.)

1. Start --> Run
2. Type cmd and click OK.
3. Type ftp (substitute the server you're wanting to reach). Click <enter>.
4. Assuming the FTP doesn't allow anonymous uploads, you will probably be prompted automatically with user. If not, you'll just see ftp>. Type user myuserid click <enter> (substitute your user id).
5. At the password prompt, enter your password and click <enter>. (Your password will not display nor will any characters at all.) It will then tell you that your login was successful and give you the ftp> prompt again.
6. Assuming you are sending binary file and not a text file (anything but notepad or html), switch to binary, by typing binary. Click <enter>.
7. Now you're ready to finally send a file. Type put filename. Click <enter> (e.g. put \Desktop\Tripp\myfile.wav).
8. It will ask you for the destination filename/path. Enter myfile.wav again, click <enter> (assuming you want leave the filename alone and put it in the default directory).
9. Assuming you are successfull, you will get a status 150 and the ftp> prompt won't come back until the file upload is complete.
10. When you're done simply close the window or logout with quit and <enter>.

Get a list of commands by type help at the ftp> prompt.

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