Adjusting Navigation Bars

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 06/30/2003 at 11:56 PM



Adjusting Navigation Bar Properties:

Depending on the theme and layout option you choose, you can get different nav bar arrangements. Generally though you have a top header/title, top navigation links and side navigation link. They are "hidden" / don't show until the page is added in the navigation window. Once the page is added to the navigation window tree, you then can adjust certain settings.

To Add the Page to the Navigation Tree:
Click the "Navigation" option in the views frame on the left. The largest righthand frame will show a flowchart tree of the menu structure of the web site. The center frame, the "Folder List" frame, displays the folders and files of the web site. To add a page to the menu structure, click on a page in in the folder frame and drag it to where you want it to show up in the menu tree structure. A yellow page icon with be added to the tree. If you need to do so, you can adjust it's location in the tree hierarchy by moving it under/over/next to another page.

If the page icon is an off yellow, it can/will show up in the navigation links that display at the top or side of web pages in the site. (This depends on settings in the page for the navigation bars in the pages. See the page section below.) If the page is gray, it will not show up in the navigation links on the pages. To change the page from yellow to gray or vice-versa, right click the page and select or unselect the option "Included in Navigation Bars".

Within the HTML page itself you can adjust the following:

The title header navigation area populates automatically once the page is added to the navigation. You can set it to show the page title over the theme header image or just show text.

The navigation link "bars" show links. The links shown depend on what you select for the page. To change what links are displayed right click a navigation bar area and choose "Navigation Bar Properties" or left click twice. The area to click will either be an image area with the links being displayed or text in the same location that says to "add this page to the navigation view...". Once you click the bar area, a menu will display. There you can change what the menu displays (e.g. top level links only, parent links, sibling links, etc.). Preview the page in a browser to test changes to make sure you are getting what you think you asked for.

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